Friday, December 27, 2019

Should Sports Doping Be Banned - 2190 Words

Doping in Sports As Richard (Dick) Butkus once said, â€Å"There is a myth out there that somehow anabolic steroids can turn a cub into a bear. Steroids won’t make you tough and competitive. What they will do is ruin your health. It’s that simple.† The use of prohibited substances in sports has had a major timeline. Using drugs in sports goes back to ancient times. Prohibited substances are used in almost every single sport. Doping in sports is definitely a form of cheating. The athletes who use drugs are gaining an edge over the athletes who are working hard and respecting the sport to get where they want to be and it is not fair to them. This topic is important because doping in sports has been a major problem since forever. Doping in sports really affects your health and there are athletes out there that have died from using drugs in sports. People think that doping in sports is completely wrong and definitely cheating because the athletes who are using drugs in sports are getting an edge over the ones who aren’t using drugs and working their asses off to get where they want to be and it just isn’t fair to them. Doping in sports has been a major problem since forever. Athletes in sports are finding ways to use drugs in sports and not get caught and that is unacceptable. As stated in the article of â€Å"Doping†, here is a fact founded, â€Å"Doping is a term that refers to the use of prohibited substances to improve an athlete’s performance in sporting events. Most people considerShow MoreRelatedUse of Steroids by Athletes Essay1538 Words   |  7 Pagesoffered a banned performance enhancing substance that comes with two guarantees: 1) You will not be caught. 2). You will win every competition you enter for the next five years and then you will die from the side effects of the substance. Would you take it? More than half the athletes said yes. As we can infer from the above survey, a large number of professi onal athletes are willing to risk their lives for the chance of victory and recognition. The controversy of doping in sports is centeredRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Steroids In Sports951 Words   |  4 PagesSteroids in sports has been one of the biggest controversial topics since 1904 when Olympic marathon runner, Thomas Hicks, used a mixture of brandy and strychnine and nearly died. However, the use of PED’s (performance enhancing drugs) dates all the back to 776 BC with the Ancient Greek athletes. In sports todays the question is whether or not these types of drugs should be banned from competition. In sports today it is all about entertaining the common people. Americans tune in every night to watchRead MoreGene Doping Essay1278 Words   |  6 PagesGene Doping is defined as using â€Å"Forbidden substances or methods to increase physical and or mental performance† ( Gene doping is banned from athletics, and very dangerous to use, mainly for the body. There are some pluses to the drug, it helps with dangerous diseases, helps people gain strength back, and also helps them become more resistant to being winded. Even though it is good for the sick, for the healthy it plays the same role but it is very dangerous because there areRead MoreDoping Testing And Doping Tests1350 Words   |  6 PagesDoping dates back to ancient Greek where athletes took special diets to make themselves stronger. In the 19th Century, substances such as caffeine, alcohol and cocaine were used to enhance performance among long distance athletes. In 1904, for example, Thomas H icks won the marathon by taking raw eggs, doses of brandy administered during the race and injections of strychnine. By the year 1920s, people realized that restrictions had to be created regarding the use of drugs in sports. In 1928, IAAFRead MoreThe Greatest Cycling Doping Scheme Fell Apart Around The Ringleader Essay1686 Words   |  7 Pagesthe greatest cycling doping scheme fell apart around the ringleader, Lance Armstrong. He was called a cheat, bully, and stripped of all seven of his consecutive Tour De France yellow jerseys. At the heart of all of this was a drug called EPO and a method called blood doping. In an investigation by the International Cycling Union (UCI) they found that the period between 1990 and 2000 to as an â€Å"epo epidemic† (Lodewijkx 3). And even now dozens of professional athletes get banned over the use of thisRead MoreSteroids and Sports Don’t Mix Essay1662 Words   |  7 PagesThe problems of doping in sports began to surface in the late 1950s, because of rumors that coaches were allowing players to use performance-enhancing drugs. The 1956 Olympic Games where plagued with athletes using performance-enhancing drugs, so countries began to speak out against the harm that drugs were causing to the athletes and the sport (6 Anonymous). Long-term use of performance-enhancing drugs will destroy athletes bodies. Doping is the use of illegal substances that is harmful toRead MoreThe Legalization Of Steroids Should Be Beneficial For The World Of Sport1226 Words   |  5 Pagesduring high school with the introduction of organized sport teams. The perspective against the legalization of steroids believes in the many benefits of legalization. The perspective for the legalization of steroid expresses the harmful effects of steroids. My view of the subject is that I am against the legalization of steroids. The perspective for the legalization of steroids believes in benefits. The article â€Å"Performance-Enhancing Drugs Should Be Legalized.† by Stephen Wang focuses on the ideaRead MoreSports Will Either Be A School Of Virtue Or A School Of1254 Words   |  6 PagesSports will either be a school of virtue or a school of vice, and that s why the epidemic of cheating in professional sports is, and ought to be, a huge cultural concern† (Landry, 2012, para. 1). Professional sports are littered with cheating scandals and as technology advances so will access to new and clever techniques. There are many ways to cheat in sports, such as fixing games, placing bets on teams, lying about your age, and the biggest one of them all, taking performance enhancing substancesRead MoreBlood Doping : Can We Beat It?1347 Words   |  6 PagesBlood Doping: Can We Beat It? All humans, no matter what religion, skin color, age, or gender, have blood streaming through out our bodies. Blood rushes oxygen around the body, pulls carbon dioxide out of the body, sends white blood cells to fight illness and infection, is produced in the bone marrow, carries platelets and fibers that close up wounds, and comes in the types A, B, AB, and O, with type O being a universal blood donor. Blood is not just imperative, it is irreplaceable. Doctors canRead MoreA Letter to the Minister of Sports in Singapore863 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿A Letter to the Minister of Sport in Singapore Dear Sir: Millions of people worldwide wonder why competitive athletes cant just use their natural God-given strengths and talent and hence, eliminate the tedious reports of cheating in sports. This letter delves into the issues that officials and team administrators deal with vis-à  -vis banned substances, and takes the position that society urgently must find solutions for cheating in sports. I hope you have time to give consideration to the materials

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Human Trafficking A Serious Crime And A Direct Violation...

Intelligence Question: How human trafficking is currently impacted by increased law enforcement coverage at the southwest border aimed at reducing illegal alien smuggling into the country? Summary: Human trafficking is a serious crime and a direct violation of human rights. It can be defined as an illegal trade of human beings in which they are treated as possessions to be controlled for labor intensive work like slavery, or exploited by being forced into prostitution. Every year, millions of people are trafficked globally and thousands of them are trafficked here or within the United States. â€Å"Women are victims in about 85% of sex trafficking cases, and for the men about 40% of labor trafficking cases. There are about 41% of sex†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Created in 2005 - Operation against Smugglers Initiative on Safety and Security (OASISS) is an operation, along the many of them used by the U.S., to make sure the border security is strong and to ensure no ones crosses illegally. This operation includes customs border patrol agents teaming up with Mexican officials to share information and prosecute smugglers in the border areas. â€Å"The program w as set up to identify and dismantle alien smuggling organizations through a bi-national prosecutorial program that includes expanding current liaison operations, gathering and exchanging data, and enhancing judicial consequences on both sides of the border.† (Southwest Border Security Operations.†) The program has played a huge and important role in solving nearly 1500 cases. It also is responsible for these main advancements: 1. Lead the modification of the original program developed by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) application from English to Spanish. 2. Managed the business workflow modification of the application to fit the needs of Attorney General Office of Mexico Government. 3. Lead the modification of specific program modules to enable exchange of data regarding OASISS cases. 4. Lead the establishment of a secure data exchangeShow MoreRelatedHuman Trafficking Is A Grave Crime And A Serious Violation Of Human Rights1555 Words   |  7 PagesHumana Trafficking Introduction Human trafficking refers to the practice of recruiting, transferring, transporting, receiving, or harboring people through the use of force, threat, or other forms of abduction, coercion, deception, fraud, as well as abuse of power or vulnerability position (Segrave 2). Human trafficking is a grave crime and a serious violation of human rights as it involves a broad range of human exploitations, including forced labor, sexual exploitation, slavery practices, as wellRead MoreDeath Penalty Essay607 Words   |  3 PagesCapital punishment as known as the death penalty is the execution of a person by judicial process as a punishment for an offense. Crimes that are known as capital crimes or capital offences result in the death punishment. China crimes that were human trafficking and serious cases of corruptions are punishments of the death penalty. Militaries around the world court-martials had imposed death sentences for offenses such as cowardice, desertion, insubordination, and m utiny. The methods of executionRead MoreHuman Trafficking And The United States1066 Words   |  5 PagesHuman trafficking has always been a though subject. Most Americans prefer to believe that this is a problem of the past, that it simply does not occur anymore. Others accept the fact that human trafficking exist, but in a far away reality, an incident homed only in poor, third world countries. This couldn’t be farther away from the truth. Human trafficking is a real and current problem in the United States, California being a hotspot for this issue, and with the Super Bowl in 2016 the problem willRead MoreIts Time to Stop Child Trafficking Essay examples1663 Words   |  7 Pagesorganization and active in more than 190 countries and territories through country programmes and National Committees â€Å"The huge transnational industry of trafficking in human beings generates approximately up to $10 billion per year† ( Even though child trafficking is an illegal and underground trading, there are still huge numbers of child trafficking by we are known. Nowadays, most countries have better laws to protect their own citizens. Moreover, as time goes by, people are receiving a higherRead MoreHuman Trafficking Is A Global Issue1322 Words   |  6 Pagesthe development of globalization, human trafficking is getting worse and worse. The human trafficking is a global issue that everybody should care about. Lots of young people become a victim of human trafficking, whether in developing countries or developed countries. Some organizations and governments are beginning to solve this problem, but it is very hard to complete. Human trafficking, which is no respecter of national frontiers, is considered as a serious crime that has disturbed many countriesRead MoreHuman Trafficking in the Us1244 Words   |  5 PagesRough Draft: Human Trafficking and its Relationship throughout these United States A serious crime that virtually affects every country in the world is human trafficking. Human trafficking is a multi-national criminal business that’s roots are tied into â€Å"trans-criminal organizations, small criminal networks and local gangs, violations of labor and immigration codes, and government corruption† (Richard, 1999; U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2006.). Typically human trafficking has been definedRead More Child Trafficking Essays1660 Words   |  7 PagesChild Trafficking â€Å"The global market of child trafficking is at over $12 billion a year with over 2 million child victims† (â€Å"Stop Child Trafficking Now† 1). This statement from the article â€Å"Stop Child Trafficking Now† describes how serious this crisis is nationwide. Child labor, illegal adoptions and child prostitution are the three forms child trafficking typically exists as (â€Å"Riverkids Project† 1). There has been a rising number of Cambodian children being trafficked for sexual exploitationRead MoreHuman Trafficking and Exploitation973 Words   |  4 Pagestransmitted diseases over the past twenty years. If serious action is not taken immediately, millions more will become victims. Human sex trafficking is a form of slavery and involuntary servitude which results in major human rights contraventions. Sex trafficking contains individuals profiting from the sexual extortion of others and has severe physical and psychological consequences for its victi ms.1 Prostitution is the exchange of sexual acts for human necessities such as money, food, shelter and oftenRead MoreTrafficking of Human and Children for Prostitution and Regulation4912 Words   |  20 PagesWhat is Trafficking? Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings mainly for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labour. Other purposes can be extraction of organs, or tissues or even surrogacy or ova removal. It can also be regarded as modern form of slavery. Trafficking is a lucrative industry. It is second only to drug trafficking as the most profitable illegal industry in the world. In 2004, the total annual revenue for trafficking in persons were estimated toRead MoreSex Slavery And Human Trafficking2202 Words   |  9 Pages Sex Slavery and Human Trafficking in Nigeria Ramapo College of New Jersey Kaitlyn Cestaro Human Trafficking is defined in article 3, paragraph (a) of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Jobs will be created in Ontarios information tech Essay Example For Students

Jobs will be created in Ontarios information tech Essay bobnology industry this year, based on a survey of 400 companies, the information industry association said. But 9,900 of these jobs could go unfilled as a result of shortages of skilled workers meaning that companies will be constrained from expanding their businesses or may even be forced to relocate some activities elsewhere. A serious skills shortage which exists in Canada today is becoming even more acute, Beatty said this week at the Statistics Canada conference, warning that a lack of skills will serve as a brake on Canadas economic engine and that the problem will grow.Yet it is hard to see a quick turnaround to the problem, though companies can do more to train existing workers and to adopt more advanced production systems that require fewer people. For example, changes in tax regulations, notably those affecting depreciation, could reduce the cost of new technology though new technologies often require even higher level skills. In Ontario, there is a shameful neglect of the issue. The provincial government has seriously underfunded the entire education system, from primary and high schools through to apprenticeships, colleges and universities. Today, a crisis is emerging in our colleges and universities, which lack the space and faculty to deal with the double cohort enrolment stemming from the abolition of Grade 13. Nor does Ontario have a coherent skills training and retraining strategy. The quasi-religious belief at Queens Park is that tax cuts will solve all problems. As a key part of the current federal innovation initiative, Human Resources Development Minister Jane Stewart is pushing the need for national

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Lawrence Cleveland Essays - Yesterday, David Ruffin Discography

Lawrence Cleveland The moment that we shared when our eyes first made contact, I knew that since that time, that our time would be more than that. You have proven to me that in this age one can truly trust. The feelings that I share for you are surely more than lust. Can you trust this person who sweeps you off your feet? But, you wonder if you pass me up will you ever find a lover so sweet. I have opened up my heart to you, hoping that you will do the same for me. I am ready this very instant, to with you and only you, spend the rest of eternity. Hold my hand my love as I take you to the stars. I can't give you everything, I promise you my heart. My eyes are only for you and my words will only grace your ears. Run into my arms as I embrace you and wipe away your tears. The Days of Yesterday Oh, how the days of yesterday are gone. Like a fallen warrior whose time has passed on. The days of yesterday are gone for days much stranger. And in that mystery comes some danger. Days of know responsibility are quite seldom. How can I bare such a heavy burden. Strange faces, mean looks, and danger are what the future brings. But, if you remember your past you can still lift your head and sing. Have you? Have you ever known someone who could have been anything he wanted to be? But, in his heart couldn't find the heart to achieve. Or, have you ever walked past an open door? But, since you didn't look in couldn't find more. Have you ever seen a cover of a book but didn't pick it up? You will never know because you never bothered to look. Have you ever known a girl who was smart but to shy? If she would have opened her mouth, vast opportunities wouldn't have passed her by. Have you ever met someone who charmed you till you cried? But, because of a simple arguement, you'll never know what they had inside. If you go through life scared to take a risk, You'll never know what you have really missed.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Systematic and Common Chemical Names

Systematic and Common Chemical Names There are many ways to name a chemical. Here is a look at the difference between different types of chemical names, including systematic names, common names, vernacular names and CAS numbers. Systematic or IUPAC Name The systematic name  also called the IUPAC name is the preferred way to name a chemical because each systematic name identifies exactly one chemical. The systematic name is determined by guidelines set forth by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Common Name A common name is defined by the IUPAC as a name that unambiguously defines a chemical, yet does not follow the current systematic naming convention. An example of a common name is acetone, which has the systematic name 2-propanone. Vernacular Name A vernacular name is a name used in a lab, trade or industry that does not unambiguously describe a single chemical. For example, copper sulfate is a vernacular name which may refer to copper(I) sulfate or copper(II) sulfate. Archaic Name An archaic name is an older name for a chemical that predates the modern naming conventions. Its helpful to know archaic names of chemicals because older texts may refer to chemicals by these names. Some chemicals are sold under archaic names or may be found in storage labeled with the older names. An example of this is muriatic acid, which is the archaic name for hydrochloric acid and is one of the names under which hydrochloric acid is sold. CAS Number A CAS number is an unambiguous identifier assigned to a chemical by the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a part of the American Chemical Society. CAS numbers are assigned sequentially, so you cant tell anything about the chemical by its number. Each CAS number consists of three strings of numbers that are separated by hyphens. The first number contains up to six digits, the second number is two digits, and the third number is a single digit. Other Chemical Identifiers Although the chemical names and CAS Number are the most common way to describe a chemical, there are other chemical identifiers you may encounter. Examples include numbers assigned by PubChem, ChemSpider, UNII, EC number, KEGG, ChEBI, ChEMBL, RTES number and the ATC code. Example of Chemical Names Putting it all together, here are the names for CuSO4 ·5H2O: Systematic (IUPAC) Name: copper(II) sulfate pentahydrateCommon Names: copper(II) sulfate, copper(II) sulfate, cupric sulfate, cupric sulfateVernacular Name: copper sulfate, copper sulfateArchaic Name: blue vitriol, bluestone, copper vitriolCAS Number: 7758-99-8

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The opportunity to succeed as women entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia compared with UK

The opportunity to succeed as women entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia compared with UK Introduction Both males and females in the society have unique gender roles which they play in the society. Although they have equal opportunities in life, the latter has historically struggled to assume a better position in a male dominated world. In spite of this, the case of the developed world is quite unique since women seem to be at the centre stage of development controlling more than 30 percent of businesses.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The opportunity to succeed as women entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia compared with UK specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These developed economies are being transformed by females (Al-Ghazali Sadi, 2010 pp.4-5). In Saudi Arabia alone, about 45 percent of the entire population is made up of females. This figure is a bit lower compared to that of the United States. About 51 percent of the population in US is women. However, the Saudi Arabian disparity has been caused by the inf lux of several foreign male workers in Saudi Arabia leading to a lower female population. There are about 5.6 million expatriates in Saudi Arabia majority being men (UMUC Working paper, 2009, par. 7). The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia hosts about 23,000 businesswomen with a total of 62 billion dollars stacked in their accounts besides other resources. By 2008, it was reported that a total of ten business executives who were women from Middle East made their record as among the best 100 bankers worldwide, indicating how women have not only excelled in conducting business, but are also great entrepreneurs and skilful in the business world (AlMunajjed, 1997 pp.141-143). There are quite a number of business solution that have been adopted in the last five years to enable women have a conducive business environment that promises success. One of the compelling factors that will make Saudi women excel in business is education. Over 58 percent of university graduates are females. In addition, the Saudi economy is still young and has a higher prospect of growth. Moreover, the Kingdom is well endowed with resources that are needed in any successful business environment. This has made the Saudi society to grow rapidly both in terms of capital accumulation and surplus investments.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Indeed, the aforementioned factors are great propellers for Saudi women who are planning to engage in entrepreneurial activities, including those who are in various businesses (Powell, 1993 p. 34). This paper seeks to extensively explore the various opportunities that women have for successful business operation in Saudi Arabia compared to United Kingdom. The Public verses private sector Both the public and private sectors play an integral role in building the economy of any country and Saudi Arabia is not an exception. While the public sector is run and managed by the government, the main players in the private sector are individuals who set up their own businesses and run them as private entities (AlMunajjed, 2009 p. 6). Each of these sectors has unique merits and demerits. For instance, there are individuals who would prefer to be employed in the public sector largely due to job security and stable salary. By the side, the private sector may also promise better salaries among other fringe benefits that come along with the job descriptions. The working environment may be enjoyable alongside flexibility at work which enhances creativity as well as skill development. The Small Businesses and available opportunities In spite of the existence small businesses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, their variance has been remarkable over the past ten years both in terms of quality and number. This has also been the trend across the world (Zoepf, 2010 par.3). The private sector is steadily supplementing the public sector through spontaneou s growth. It is out of the small businesses that developed economies such as that of US have seen the light of day in economic progress. Moreover, small businesses have remarkably shaped the way business is done and as a result, the Saudi economy is experiencing growth mainly due to the existence and expansion of small businesses. It has also been reported that small businesses are responsible for over 75 percent of new jobs being created (Heathfield, 2010). Similarly, the UK economy has been positively impacted by the growth impetus of small businesses. It is estimated that small firms are contributing significantly to employment creation.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The opportunity to succeed as women entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia compared with UK specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Despite the enormous contribution of small businesses to the economy of Saudi Arabia, there are still several hiccups that demand t o be resolved. It is imperative to note that the impacts of globalization is gradually injecting numerous changes in the small business world since the markets are now being integrated and also opened up to the world economy (Carter, Mason Tagg, 2004 p.76). Products and services can now be sold not only within the borders of the Saudi economy but also in other destinations. Hence, the element of competition is in board and cannot be ignored at all. Both the legislators as well as policy makers are gaining more interest in the development of small businesses largely due to the impact of this sector to the economy. It is also believe that small businesses in Saudi Arabia (SMEs) is the main channel through which the private sector can boast of investment. Throughout the kingdom, the small businesses, most of which are run by women, constitute over 90% of the private sector investment (Zoepf, 2010 par.5). As already mentioned, these small businesses have been deemed to be the major crea tors of employment in Saudi Arabia. Consequently, poverty alleviation is being celebrated due to small business not to mention the ability of these businesses to foster growth and innovation in business culture and technology. In addition, it is through the small businesses that new products and services are being developed to meet the growing needs of the population in the entire Kingdom. Further estimates indicate that over 50 percent growth in the entire economy is expected to be realized in Saudi Arabia in the near future and this will mainly be contributed by small and medium sized enterprises. It is against this backdrop that women in Saudi Arabia stand a higher chance of developing and growing their business skills both now and in the future (Marlow Carter, 2005, pp.47-53). Better still, they have a better chance to succeed as entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia as can be seen by the numerous opportunities for growth. However, the worry that dons the small and medium sized enterpr ises under small businesses is that growth and prosperity is still being hindered by the very fact that the basic tools required are not readily in place. The small businesses operated by women in Saudi Arabia can only prosper if the right tools and business mechanics are put in place.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For instance, these small and medium sized enterprise lack adequate funds and various means through which they can access credit facilities. Contrary to the UK, the credit facilities are adequate and small business can fairly borrow to expand on their businesses. Worse still, small businesses in Saudi Arabia also face stiff government regulations that require them to comply with numerous policies. The red tape for foreigners is even tighter. Moreover, the ignorance on the relative importance and contribution of small business has led to lack of statistics on their market progress and hence, they mainly operate without the much needed figures for carrying out business decisions. This is a similar case with many developing economies. Therefore, the success of women in small and medium sized business enterprises will aptly require government intervention. The support from government will equally demand the private sector to participate and cooperate fully. Large and well established en terprises in the UK are indeed making a mark in developing and supporting the small businesses over and above the government support which is already in place. Furthermore, there is a closer private-public sector partnership in UK that has enabled a profitable working environment among small businesses. This is a similar case with Saudi Arabia although the ties between the two sectors are not very strong. In UK, there is a practical working framework that entails policy formulation on the progress and needs of small and medium sized enterprises. There is a systematic approach through which the government of the day is working closely with small businesses to ensure that they grow. In comparison to Saudi Arabia, it is a lot easier to seek funding from the public sector to initiate small business in UK. Business women in Saudi Arabia would reach greater heights if and only if there were clear policy formulations in the Kingdom that seeks to support them in their business endeavors Nat ure of entrepreneurs for women in Saudi Arabia The Saudi Arabian woman has been affected by quite a number of barriers in her attempt to excel in doing business in the kingdom. For instance, the cultural setback that requires women to be submissive and seek permission from their male partners before engaging themselves in any decisions is a major setback. In takes a long before they can embark on serious business while in some cases, the permission is not granted. This has adversely affected the business merit of these women bearing in mind that they have to compete equally with their male business rivals in the market (UMUC Working Paper Series, 2009, par.10). Another cultural hindrance emanates from the fact that women are not permitted to drive in Saudi Arabia. It is common knowledge that any business person needs to travel frequently and when this is not possible, then most business deals may go sour. Contrary to the UK case, women have the liberty to drive freely and conduct th eir own businesses. While consulting their male partners is necessary before making some decisions, it is not a mandatory. Additionally, there are limited government programs that have been tailor made to reach out for women in small businesses. In UK, such programs are in place and women are in a position to expand their businesses with much ease (Omar, 2008, pp 34-37). However, the major disadvantage in UK is that small and medium sized enterprises are not very common and are not necessarily given the best concern in the business world. The economy has grown by double digits and only those with adequate capital may enjoy starting and running businesses in UK (Al-Ghazali Sadi, 2010 pp.6-9). In other words, it is cheaper to start and maintain a mini business in Saudi Arabia than in UK. The role of gender The challenge posed by gender when staring and running small businesses is not limited in Saudi Arabia only. Despite the fact that there is no evidence that segregate enterprise ow nership along gender line, current statistics reveal that only 15 percent of all business units are owned by women in UK while the remaining half is owned by males (Marlow Patton, 2005 p.48). Furthermore, there is minimal statistical evidence on the growing number of women engaging in self employment through small and medium sized enterprises. For the past two decades or so, the increase in small business among women in UK has been small. Self employment among women has more been stagnant than growing and this has posed more concern on whether small and medium sized enterprises are well placed as alternative sources of employment especially among women (Madhi Barrientos, 2003 p.112). Comparatively, Saudi Arabian case has been one of the growing patterns in small and medium sized enterprises. As already noted the economy is still young, resources are abundant and in spite of lack of structured government support and funding, Saudi economy still provides the best opportunity for gro wing small businesses. It should also be noted that the very small businesses heavily depend on the immediate population. The Saudi population is indeed an asset and impetus to the growth of its small business portfolio. Further research conducted in UK reveals that the likelihood of women becoming self employed is lower than men beside the bare fact that their business skills differ significantly from men (, 2010 par. 1). There seems to be a completely business platform and ideals in UK compared to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Khan, 2010). For women who engage in small businesses as part of self employment, they mostly take part in traditional occupational sectors that have been known for ages like finance and education. By the side, there are those who work on part-time basis. From this perspective, it is definite that gender has influenced women participation in small business both in UK and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and so it may not necessarily be a determining fa ctor when carrying out comparative advantage between doing business either in UK or Saudi Arabia (Johnson, Sear Jenkins, 2000 pp.55-59). Being a social construction, gender is largely pinned to ether masculine or feminine characteristics. Right from the perspective of gender, stereotypes emerge such as the one that ascribes to the inability of a woman to manage personal business well without getting assistance from a male person. For this reason, there are myriad of professional organizations that have been set up to act as custodian for women enterprises especially in Saudi Arabia. These organizations are managed professionally to assist in uplifting the level and expertise of women involvement in small and business enterprises without being sidelined by gender and other cultural stereotypes. Role of small businesses The role played by small and medium sized enterprises in the Saudi economy has been given much importance than in UK. The Saudi government believes that its economy w ould only grow if the small business are recognized and supported (Coleman, 2000 pp.38-40). For women, this must be a real impetus for growing their businesses in Saudi Arabia than in UK. To begin with, small, and medium sized enterprises have significantly lowered the rate of high unemployed which was once being experienced in the economy. It is worth to note that large scale enterprises do not have the capacity to employ the growing population. It is only through the creation of small businesses that unemployment can be brought down by double digits. Moreover, the small and medium sized enterprises are also easy to start and administer in comparison to large scale business establishments. Small capital is required and the legal requirements are also minimal. For small and medium sized enterprises under the umbrella of small businesses, they have limited liability and therefore they can remain vibrant in the market in spite of the dynamics. Nonetheless, securing sufficient funding for these small businesses is still a hurdle especially in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, they have weak capacities that delay expansion of their working capacities. Women in Saudi Arabia are more likely to succeed in small businesses there bearing in mind that up to 92% of businesses there are made up of small and medium sized enterprises, a practice not common in UK (Federation of Small Businesses, 2002 par. 3). Although the small businesses are major drivers of the Saudi economy, their overall contribution to the GDP stands at only 33%. It is against this backdrop that the government has initiated the ‘kafallah’ program to assist in the process of financing small and medium sized enterprises in the Kingdom. For women aspiring to start small businesses in Saudi Arabia, they have a higher chance of succeeding with a shorter time than their peers in UK. Successful business women in UK In spite of the gender and other cultural factors working against the success of women in sma ll and medium-sized enterprises, there are those female personalities who have made a mark in the business world in UK and around the world. One such successful woman in UK is Deborah Meaden. Although she is perceived to be highly entrepreneurial, Meaden is most likely to have crafted her business skills and ideas from the male dominated society without the fear of being outwitted. She had a business mind from the early stages of her life and would settle for nothing less than her own run enterprise. She started off with the importation of glass and ceramics barely at 19 years (Burke Davidson, 2000 pp.38-42). She has grown her business empire by leaps and bounds. In one of his latest establishments, Meaden started a marketing research company having gained vast knowledge in marketing from her previous business outfits. Conclusion In recap, it is vital to note that the Saudi Arabian economy is well placed both in terms of resources and human capital required to start small and mediu m-sized enterprises. The striking difference between the two economies namely UK and Saudi Arabia is that the latter is still in its growing phase while the former seems to be static especially in the growth and expansion of SMEs. It is against this background that women who engage in small businesses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have a higher probability of excelling than those in UK. Additionally, small and medium-sized business enterprises remain to be major contributors to both Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and overall economic growth in developing and advanced countries. It is only through the public-private sector support that small businesses will ever grow to meaningful levels. References Al-Ghazali, M. Sadi, M. (2010). Doing business with impudence: A focus on women entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia.’ African Journal of Business management. 4(1): 1-11. AlMunajjed, M. (1997). Women in Saudi Arabia Today. London: Macmillan. AlMunajjed, M. (2009). Women’s Employ ment in Saudi Arabia A Major Challenge. Booz Co. Retrieved from Burke, R. Davidson, M. (2000). Women in Management. SAGE Publications: London. (2010). Research solutions. Retrieved from Carter, S. Mason, C. Tagg, S. (2004). Lifting the Barriers to Business Survival and Growth: The FSB Biennial Survey 2004, London: Federation of Small Businesses. Coleman, S. (2000). Access to Capital and Terms of Credit: A Comparison of Men- and Women-Owned Small Businesses, Journal of Small Business Management, 38 (3): 37–52. Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) (2002). Lifting the Barriers to Growth in UK Small Businesses, Blackpool. Heathfield, S. (2010). Women and Work: Then, Now, and Predicting the Future for Women in the Workplace: women in Business. Retrieved from Johnson, S., Sear, L. Jenkins, A. (2000). Small Business P olicy, Support and Governance, in Carter, S. Jones-Evans, D., Enterprise and Small Business, London: Prentice Hall. Khan, S. (2010). Women Fight Back: Dont Ban the Veil! The Daily Beast. Available at: ban-is-bad-for-muslim-women/ Madhi, S.T. Barrientos, A. (2003). Saudisation and employment in Saudi Arabia. Career Development International. Marlow, S.P. Carter, S.P. (2005). Access to finance: women’s enterprise and the role of the accountant, London: Certified Accountants Educational Trust. Marlow, S. and Patton, D. (2005). All Credit to Men? ddEntrepreneurship, Finance and Gender, Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, 29 (3): 526–41. Omair, K. (2008). Women in management in the Arab context. Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues. Powell, G (1993). Women Men in Management (2nded.), London: SAGE Publications. UMUC Working Paper Series (2009) University of Maryland Universi ty College. Retrieved from entrepreneur.html Zoepf, K. (2010). Talk of Womens Rights Divides Saudi Arabia. The New York Times. Retrieved from saudi.html?pagewanted=1src=me.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Auditing. PARMALAT COMPANY. The series of scandals caused a general Essay

Auditing. PARMALAT COMPANY. The series of scandals caused a general crisis of confidence in the integrity of the entire system o - Essay Example This was one of the prime reasons which had brought the scandal under limelight. In the year 2003, Parmalat was severely penalized for trying to raise 300 million in the form of bonds (Word Socialist, 2004). The author of the study will highlight the impact of the integrity in the system of corporate accountability process, role of the auditors with respect to Parmalat scandal. The study will also highlight the importance of corporate governance mechanism related to Parmalat. The credibility of the audit reporting, functions and regulations will also be discussed with respect to the auditing procedure carried out by Deloitte & Touche in Parmalat. Finally, the study will conclude highlighting the changes in the critical evaluation of changes in auditing, corporate governance regulations in prevention of scandals. Integrity in the System of Corporate Accountability The corporate accounting system encompasses the traditional accounting and also the social reporting method. The social re porting concepts are supposed to revolve around environmental and also the social aspects of the assets and liabilities reporting methods. It is concerned with the benefits and cost associated with the issues and the verification, assurance provided by the auditors (Rao, Tilt and Lester, 2012). It encompasses various issues which revolve around the interactions and the inclusion of elements like ethics, corporate governance, social and environmental accounting, philanthropy activities (Pollock, 2011). The development of social corporate accounting encompasses the formulation of accounting systems as per the guidelines provided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) to provide accuracy in the global and environmental accounting. Role of Auditors The role of internal auditors of the company identifies the errors and checks whether the measures undertaken by the management are in compliance with the norms and regulations. The duty of internal auditor is to check of the transparency o f accounting system and also provide advice based on the conducted auditing function (National Fraud Authority, n.d). One of the prime objectives of the auditor is to provide the stakeholders and shareholders the key assurance that risk management activities are carried out effectively. The auditor’s incompetence will be observed when he/she would be able to uncover the misappropriations in the accounting systems and also the preparation of the timely accounting reports, risk management system and various other activities. They evaluate the accounting activities and provide certain reasonable assurance that enables the accomplishment of goals and objectives of the organization (Ferrarini and Giudici, 2005). Accurate and transparent auditing function can also necessitate the entire financial system and help in the removal of accounting discrepancies within the systems (Caraballo, Cheerla and Jafari, 2010). The management of the company is unaware that inaccurate auditing proce dure leads to the complexities within the accounting system of the organization (George, 2011). In the context of Parmalat, the internal auditors were not only able to perform accurate auditing, detection of error on the methods of the system but also had involved itself in the creation of the forgery of accounts (Action Fraud, 2013).This was one of the prime reasons which had

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business planning - Essay Example For formation of a successful business plan all the internal key players of the organization should be involved. Their suggestions and ideas should be valued by the top level management and the business head’ as they are more involved in the on field tasks and can give an insight of on field operations. Also all the core components of the business i.e. all the departments of the business should be actively involved in the business process of planning as they specialize in their respective departments. They know what their strengths and weaknesses are and through this the business can extract its strengths and weaknesses as a whole. By consulting and getting a vote of majority on which goals and objectives to pursue the business functions as a whole and the departments will make efforts for achievement of these goals and objectives later on in the execution stage as they were involved in the planning process and their opinions and suggestions were valued. As most of the busines s plans in the industry which have been successful had the inclusion of the internal stakeholders of the business in the planning process this indicates that the claim made by Stutley was quite true in the sense that if in the start all the internal key players of business from the start are involved in the business activities , this makes a sense of ownership and loyalty prevail amongst the members of the organization and each player feels as an important member of the business hence working for the good of business is taken up as a responsibility by the members of the organization which is quite necessary for business to expand and succeed. A business plan in simple words can be stated as those set of activities or the line of action which is needed to be followed or taken by an organization or a corporation to identify its goals and objectives. It can be termed as the backbone of firm’s business i.e. it guides the company or the organization to the right path so as to adhe re to its vision and stay put on its mission along with catering to the organization’s need for arrangement of resources and have certain contingency measures available at all times in case of problems and troublesome situations. For many people there is a certain misconception that a business plan is formed only while starting the business as it indentifies the short and long term objectives the business wants to achieve over a period of time. That is a structured presentation of business goals and objectives, along with the inclusion of financial statements through which business can approach investors for investments and loans. But in reality a business plan is a framework for running the business and according to certain situations or scenarios faced , the plan can be changed and new additions or modifications can be made in the original plan later on in to business. Not everything can be included in the business plan from the start as you cannot perfectly predict how muc h investment and resources will be required and how will the market trends change or shift from time to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Government Spying Essay Example for Free

Government Spying Essay Austin Bryan Period-1 In some instances, governments believe that it is okay to spy on their citizens in order to preserve their freedom. I personally find this concept to be absurd. Living in a country that’s history is founded upon freedom of its citizens, and escaping oppression of tyrant governments, leaves me very skeptical on this concept. I believe that if the government is spying on its citizens it is actually taking away their freedom rather than preserving it. Living in an era of increasing technology has made it much easier for a government to spy on its citizens. Because of this, it has become a problem in many places around the world. Think about back in elementary school when you had pen pals from other countries. How would you feel if the government was able to intrude on your personal life just because you made contact abroad? For us in America, a government spying on its citizens sounds pretty crazy right? In 2006 president Bush did just that by enabling a â€Å"Government Phone Tap†. President Bush thought in order to preserve citizen’s freedoms that is was justified to tap into people’s phones and emails. The only people that were supposed to be the recipients of phone tapings where those who were making calls abroad, particularly to suspected al-Qaida connections. Not only is this a complete violation of peoples constitutional rights and privacy, but Bush also neglected the need for a warrant in this instance. To this day many immigrants from other countries come to America seeking asylum from oppressive governments. America is supposed to be a safe haven where people’s rights and privacy are protected under the constitution. Acts of government espionage upon its own citizens like this are completely unacceptable. I believe that the only way from a government to protect its citizen’s freedom is to respect everyone’s freedom regardless of circumstances.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Rosa Parks :: essays research papers

Rosa Parks Rosa Parks is an extraordinary person because she stood up against racism and stood up for herself. It was even harder for her because she is a woman, and in those days, things were much harder for woman. Rosa Parks hated the ways of her life. She had always dreamed of having freedom in her life. As she grew up, she went through different experiences that gave her courage and strength. One day, Rosa Parks had so much courage and strength that when her bus arrived to pick her up, she got on the bus, put her money in the slot, and sat in the front of the bus. Black people were supposed to sit in the back. The bus driver told her to move to the back, but she just sat there and refused to move. The driver called the police and they arrested Rosa Parks. The next day, Raymond Parks went to pick up Rosa from jail. When they got home, Rosa spoke about her time in jail. She had stood up to get a drink of water and the guard told her the drinking fountain was only for white people. This made her furious. On December 5, 1955 Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr. and JoAnn Robinson looked out of their windows, and stood on street corners watching all of the yellow buses drive by. There were hardly any black riders since Rosa Park's arrest. It was a miracle. People stopped riding the buses all because of Rosa Parks. Soon, the police were informed of the people standing on the street corners watching the buses drive by. The police watched the streets to make sure that the black people were not bothering the other bus riders. They tried guarding the bus stops. The police failed and the boycott was a success. A few months later, Rosa Parks once again started to climb aboard a bus. She stopped when she noticed a sign that read, "People don't ride the bus today. Don't ride the bus for freedom." Finally the rules for riding the buses were changed. 1. Black and white people could sit wherever they wanted to sit. 2. Bus drivers were to respect all riders. 3. Black people were now allowed to apply for driver positions. A lot of people wrote hate mail to Rosa Parks.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Front Office Operations

Front office and guest safety and security Security Issues ———————- Security encompasses areas such as security of the property itself, company assets, employees' and customers' personal belongings and valuables, life security, personal security etc. In all workplaces management stipulates that it is not responsible for valuables and employees personal belongings (their handbags, items kept in the personal lockers, etc. . Yet management must take all possible measures to prevent theft among employees and of employee belongings through its hiring practices and through the implementation of effective management, human resources and operational policies, such as:    †¢ Background checks of selected applicants †¢ Policies related to employees' entry to, and exit from, the workplace †¢ Spot checks of locker rooms and lockers Effective supervision and control during the work cycle †¢ Policies related to the discovery of criminal records and wrongdoing among, and by,   employees †¢ Control of people entering and exiting the workplace With regard to guest valuables, management informs guests that the hotel is not responsible for valuables left in the room, advising them to secure these in safety deposit boxes provided by the hotel.Besides taking care of security issues related to the people they employ (as outlined above), management must undertake some necessary measures, among which: †¢ Providing â€Å"secure† (safety) deposit boxes and areas to keep valuables †¢ Policies and practices to ensure the security of these boxes and areas †¢ Management and operational policies regarding the security of guest rooms †¢ Management and operational policies regarding the security of public areas †¢ Security policies and practices for the back-of-the-house areas †¢ Employment and training of security personnel Policies and practices to minimize the â€Å"presenceâ €  and â€Å"patronage† of   Ã¢â‚¬Å"shady characters† and criminals, verification of registration and check-in personal data and documentation submitted, and curtailing free movement of unknowns on the premises, as well as direct, free flowing communication with local, national and international security authorities) †¢ Training of staff in guest and valuable security †¢ Effective supervision and control procedures. Some of the security measures taken by hotels:   | |Key Card Locks: | |While key card locks on guest rooms are quickly becoming the standard, some hotels still don't take advantage of the added safety | |provided to guests. | |Guest room locking systems these days include punch and magnetic key cards which have locks with flash memory and other productivity | |linked functions. The system can directly be linked with PMS. |Security Guards: | |Most hotels do not have security guards while some employ them only at night. At Best Western Sterl ing Inn, we have our own staff of | |trained security guards working 24-hours every day to provide the best in safety and security for our guests | |Defibrillation Units: | |A life saving device in case of heart attacks, defibrillation units are starting to be deployed among police and emergency personnel | |across the nation. |Security Cameras: | |Few Hotels have security cameras with digital technology, intelligent access central system, software interface with CCTV for matching| |undesirable visitors and criminals, interfacing with motion detectors, pocket lie detectors and spy cameras and use of biometric | |readers like hand key reader or face recognition system etc. |Fire Alarms: | |While most hotels now have smoke detectors and fire alarms, Some hotels have a state of the art alarm system with smoke detectors in | |each guest room and throughout the entire complex that is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days per week that pinpoints the exact point of | |the alarm allowing our s ecurity staff to respond immediately to the area of any alarm condition. |Emergency Power: | |Very few hotels have any provision for emergency power in case of an electrical outage while a few hotels provide limited emergency | |stand-by power to provide elevator service and some lighting. Some hotels has a 2-Megawatt stand-by generator that provides 100% | |emergency power that can provide uninterrupted guest service during a power outage. |Emergency Manual: | |Hotels maintain an emergency manual, detailing operations in the event of a variety of emergencies. | |Employee Photo ID: | |For added security, some hotels have employees wearing a photo ID nametag allowing quick identification. |In-Room Safes: | |In addition to the safety deposit boxes offered by most hotels at the front desks, Some hotels provide in-room guest safes capable of | |holding a lap-top computer that use the guest's own credit card as the key. | |Guest elevators: | |Elevators may also be interfaced with a ro om electronic locking system, where swiping the room card key takes the guest to the floor | |on which he is staying. | Bomb threat security:Precautions and measures that may be taken in the above case: 1. Security nets and body searches for guests not known to the staff. 2. Banqueting suites and other non-public areas should be security checked and locked after use 3. Goods received and bags should be checked and kept tidy. 4. If a bomb threat is received via telephone, the telephonist should note carefully what exactly is said, the time of the call received the accent of the caller and background noise if any. After the alert the GM should stay put in the lobby where he can be reached easily. . Duties and responsibility of staff during an emergency should be well-defined. 6. The hotel should work closely with the police to keep them updated. 7. Chamber maids and HK supervisors should be trained to conduct security checks in the guest rooms. Security measures for women travelers -M irrored walls of the guestroom floor elevators so that you can see who is walking behind you -Well-lit public areas such a s lobby bars -Valet parking services to avoid the need o a woman to enter the parking lot -Assigning rooms closer to the elevator If a woman traveler is not assigned a room on the special executive floor , hotels most often on request, upgrade her accommodation to that floor without an increase in room rate. The floor is staffed almost 24 hours a day with a concierge IMPORTANCE OF A SECURITY SYSTEM The guest, who comes to a particular hotel, comes with an understanding that he and his belongings both will be safe and secure during his stay at the hotel. At the same time it is also quite important that the hotel staff and assets are protected and secure.Hence it is very important to have a proper security system in place to protect staff, guests and physical resources and assets such as equipment, appliances buildings, gardens of the hotel and also the belongings of the guest. The management must take care that the security and safety systems cover the following areas: ? Guest: Protection from crimes such as murder, abduction and health hazards from outsiders, hotel staff, pests, food poisoning etc. ? Staff: Providing staff lockers, insurances, health schemes, provident funds etc.Protective clothing, shoes, fire fighting drills, supply of clean drinking water use of aqua guards, sanitized wash rooms etc. ? Guest luggage: Secure luggage store rooms and proper equipment such as luggage trolley and bell hop trolley should be provided. ? Hotel Equipments: Lifts, Boilers, Kitchen equipment, furniture fitting and building etc. must be protected and for these the security and safety should cover up fire safety equipment, bomb threat security system, water floods security system, earthquake security system , safe vault security system etc. Protection of raw materials, goods, provisions and groceries etc. for this the security system should cover pr oper storage and pest control systems, apart from the application of total material management system. TYPES OF SECURITY: 1) Physical aspect 2) Security of persons 3) Security of systems 1) Physical aspect is divided into two parts a) Internal b)external a) Internal security Against theft Fire safety Proper lighting Safeguarding assets Track unwanted guests b) External Security Proper lighting outside the buildingProper fencing of the building Fecing of pool area to avoid accidents in the night Manning of service gates to restrict entry Fixing of closed circuit TV cameras 2) Security aspects of persons a) Staff Effective recruitment and selection Identification of staff Key control Red tag system Training Locker inspection b) Guests: Check scanty baggage guests Guests suspected of taking away hotel property should be charged according to hotel policy Guest room security: Provide wide angle door viewer, dead bolt locks, night torch, chains on doors tc Employees should be trained to n ot give any information abount in house guests to outsiders While issuing a card key ask for key card if in doubt of the guest. House keeping staff should never leave keys expose on unattended carts in corridors 3) Security aspects of systems: Record of all losses and missing items immediately Inventory control should be proper Auditing should be done on a regular basis Proper system for cash disbursements should be made The term system implies the operations of the hotel eg: all the equipment used for operation, procedures laid down for operations and policies to be followed.Systems procedures and policies if followed properly shall safeguard the assets and increase life span of equipment as well as avoid any breakdown maintenance This would mean the following: Fix duties and responsibilities: Fix duties of staff members so that they don’t interfere with others’ work. Make surprise checks Staff who have access to liquid assets should be made to sign a bond so that in case of theft the concerned person can easily be caught Hiring of some independent security company to check the security system of the hotel Safety issues —————–When we take the same hotel as example, it is management's duty to ensure â€Å"safety† in several areas, such as: †¢ The structure itself †¢ Installations and fixtures (check electrical, plumbing, air-conditioning and other installations) †¢ Public and work areas (e. g. slippery floors,   hazardous obstacles in traffic areas), safety of furniture, equipment, appliances, and utensils. This is followed by: †¢ Health safety (nontoxic cleaning material and detergents used) †¢ Good quality air (what we breathe, dependent upon the type of equipment, installations and fixtures used, and regular repairs and maintenance) Food safety (a whole world in itself including sanitation, food quality, food spoilage, correct handling procedures, allowable and recomme nded temperatures, etc. ), and checking and control procedures. An important â€Å"preventive measure† is eliminating the possibility of communicating contagious diseases. Even if local regulations do not require it, it is recommended to send food and beverage handlers for a regular medical checkup. Another preventive measure is the formulation and implementation of policies and procedures related to employee accidents which may present a threat to food sanitation.Culinary staff who cut themselves accidentally at work, as often happens while slicing food products, have to immediately stop handling food, and report to their Executive Chef and to the person in charge of First Aid in their company (Security or Human Resources Department) for preliminary treatment and handling. Healing and precautionary measures are taken before they are allowed back at their job. There are also some basic â€Å"dress† requirements for staff involved in food and beverage preparations:    e. g.Chefs' hats (to prevent hair and whatever hair contains to fall into the food), discreet earrings (non-dangling) or no earrings for women, and long hair neatly and securely tied in a bun at the back of the head. Of no lesser importance is the safety of work tools and work procedures covering all areas, such as stable ladders, secure shelving, safety shoes, well-fitting work garments, clearly written and complete safety procedures and guidelines from management, safety training, and safety installations and equipment, e. g. ire fighting units, regular maintenance schedules for safety equipment and installations, wider traffic areas (to prevent accidents), adequate staffing, and last but not least, continuous effective training in work procedures. All of this necessitates comprehensive planning, the creation of clear policies and work procedures, organization, implementation, training of supervisors and employees, supervision and control. FIRE: Fires in the hotel may result in th e injury and loss of life of both the guests and the staff. Main causes of fire are: i) Smoking: -Smoke only where allowed. -Put out cigarettes in the right place. Sufficient ash trays should be provided in eating places and in rooms, but away from curtains and draperies. -Educate the guests about fire possibilities due to smoking. ii) Defective wiring, faulty appliances and motor and worn out insulation Such hazards should be immediately reported to the concerned person and such equipment should be immediately repaired iii) Laundry Areas: Care should be taken to see that none of the electrical equipment is left on after use iv)Gas leaks: Precautions should be taken against this especially in kitchen areas. v) Combustible waste Combustible material should never b e left near the boiler room i) Kitchen All equipment such as chimneys, exhausts, ventilators, grills, hoods etc. which collect a lot of fume vapor and catch fire easily should be cleaned regularly. vii) Elevator shafts: The se require constant check and inspection. Cigarette butts can ignite the debris and oils that gather at the bottom of elevator shafts. Types of Fire and fire extinguishers: Hotel personnel are trained about the fire protection procedure and the types of fire. They must be able to recognize the various types of fire, all fire require air. Air contains O2 which is necessary for combustion.Fire has been classified in 5 categories depending on how they can be extinguished- Class A Fire- It is the fire of wood, paper, linen and similar dry materials. They are extinguished by cooling and quenching effect of water. The water reduces the temperature of burning substances below their combustion temperature. These are the most frequent and easiest to extinguish when there is an ample water supply and when water can be directed on the combustible material . Keeping the other combustible material wet will limit the spreading of fire Class B Fire-These include fires of oil, gasoline, grease and other petroleum product.These fires are extinguished by blanketing the source of burning substances and eliminating the supply of O2. Petroleum products is lighter than water and will float on water and continue to burn and spread by means of flowing water to other section of the building, hence water is never used for this category. Class C Fire-These are the fires of pressurized gases. For e. g. L. P. G. , most of the gases are lighter than air but L. P. G. is heavier than air. Water is not to be used for this class of fire. Class D Fire-These are fire of metals having low burning temperature for e. g. Na, Mg etc.This class of fire does not exist in the hotel. Class E Fire-These are electrical fire. The fire extinguishing agent must not conduct electrical energy which could spread the fire. Electrical fires are usually blanketed and cooled down. Water is a good cooling agent but it also conducts electricity, so it is not used to control or extinguish this class of fire. Electrical fire is usually caused by a part of circuit overheating or by short circuit. Controlling the sizes of electrical fuses and circuit breaker will often minimize this class of fire. There are 2 systems of fire protection . Portable fire extinguisher. 2. Stationary fire fighting system. Portable fire extinguisher a. Soda acid fire extinguisher- It is used for class A fire. The extinguishing agent is H2O. The fire extinguisher is a cylinder type of pan in which a rubber or flexible hose is attached to the top. When it is desired to use the extinguisher, it is carried to the fire and inverted. A small bottle of acid usually H2SO4 is spilled when the cylinder is inverted or turn upside down. Powdered sodas, bicarbonate of soda (Baking Soda) is mixed with H2O when the tank is charge or fills with water.The chemical reaction of acid and soda water creates a pressure which forces the water out of the cylinder or tank. The hose is used to direct the flow of water to the fire. It has 2 disadva ntages:- -It must be kept away from freezing -Acid causes corrogen problem which reduce the life of the tank or cylinder. The corrogen problem has been minimized by replacing the acid with CO2 cartridge. Upon the cylinder inversion the cartridge opens and releases CO2 gas under high pressure. The high pressure gas than forces the water out of cylinder. b. CaCl2 fire extinguisher-It is also used on class A fire. CaCl2 is a salt which when added to water form brine which has very low freezing temperature. CO2 cartridge is used as pressure agent to force H2O and CaCl2 out of the cylinder to the fire. These extinguishers are used where freezing is a potential hazard c. Foam type extinguisher-It is used on class B type of fire. The extinguisher is charged with special chemical (Al2SiO4), the chemical spread on the burning material and the solution, blanket the fire by excluding O2. d. CO2 fire extinguisher- It is used on C, D and E class of fire. The CO2 types spray a chemical fog toward s the fire.The fog quickly excludes the O2 from the burning material and blanket the combustible material. e. D. C. P. extinguisher- It can be used on C, D and E class of fire. The most common extinguishing agent is sodium bicarbonate or plain baking soda. The extinguisher is charged with the dry chemical and a small tank of CO2 gas. The CO2 gas exerts pressure on dry chemical and forces it out of a nozzle directly to the fire. The powder strict the fire and the heat from the fire breaks down the chemical which releases CO2 gas on a large scale which helps in extinguishing the fire.Stationary fire fighting system a. Automatic sprinklers-It is generally mounted just below the ceiling height with a temperature detector or smoke detector, attached with each sprinkler. The temperature from the fire melts the fusible link on the detector, which opens a water valve. The water is then sprayed on the ceiling and falls on the floor, extinguishing the fire. If the fire area should spread, mor e sprinklers are automatically opened, thus confining the fire to a small area. The temperature detector can be purchased for different activating temperature.The high temperature detectors are often used in kitchens. b. Fire Hose System-It is a semi portable system. In this system the fire hose box is permanently located but the flexible hose can be moved to various distances throughout the building. The hose used to fight fire within a building should be of linen type. The linen allows some water seepage through it which will prevent its burning when in use. HANDLING EMERGENCY SITUATIONS Apart from fire and bomb threat etc. the front office staff at some point of time have to handle a lot of unusual situations also.Some such situations may be death and illness of guests, theft in hotels etc and many others. 1) Death of a guest in the hotel : ? Once the information comes to the front desk it should directly be reported to the front office manager. ? The front office manager will th en report it to the GM or resident manager ? The security manager should also be informed immediately ? The police is informed and the hotel doctor is summoned who will check and confirm the death ? Meanwhile the hotel will locate the residential address of the deceased and will inform the relatives. Once the police complete all formalities and activities and gives the permission, the dead body is fully covered and then removed from the room on a stretcher. For this purpose the service elevator and not the guest elevator is used ? A death certificate is obtained from the doctor ? A report should be prepared as to who informed of the death, time, room number and date of death. In case there is any luggage of the deceased in the room a list should be prepared and the luggage should be kept in the luggage room and the person performing this activity should sign this report ? The guest room is locked and sealed. After obtaining clearance from the police the room is opened and thoroughly disinfected and spring cleaned and only after permission of the police and subsequent permission of the GM or resident manager the room should be sold. Some important facts to be kept in mind are: ? Donot enter the room alone always take the lobby manager and security officer with you ? In case you are aware that the deceased was under the treatment of a specific doctor, the same should be called instead of the hotel doctor. His physician will also be helpful in knowing and notifying the incident to the relatives and people known to him ?Donot disturb the body or touch anything before the arrival of the police as this may be a murder or suicide case. 2) Handling accident cases: †¢ A knowledge of first aid would come very handy in such situations. In general the following points should be taken care of : †¢ Remove the person who has met with accident from the site of accident {as early as possible and take him to a more comfortable area, use a stretcher in case the need be } †¢ Call the doctor and if possible give him the details of accident and gravity of the accident. Take someone along with you to the site of the accident as you may need help †¢ Keep alert you must serve the victim immediately by providing first aid †¢ Try to protect your establishment from any false allegations Prepare a full report of the whole accident giving details of the date and time who reported the incident, room no. , site of the accident etc. Also make your comments as to the reason of the accident and how could it have been prevented and what action is to be taken to avoid the same in the future.The accident book: – An accident book is usually maintained in all organizations and the receptionist should record all details of accidents which have occurred to employees whilst carrying out their daily activities. – The book must be kept in a place easily accessible by any injured person or a person bona fide – Particulars of an accident m ay be entered here in either by the injured person himself or by a person acting on his behalf – The accident ook when filled up should be preserved for a period of three years after the date of the last entry – Every employer is required to take steps to investigate the circumstances of the accident recorded and if there happens to be any discrepancy between the circumstances found by him and the entry made, he is required to record the circumstances so found. 3) Situation of Theft: Theft is divided into four categories: I. Theft by employees of the hotel can be avoided by: – Work business and personal references should be checked before the employee is hired. A detailed record of all employees who enter the guest room such as chamber maids bellboys room boys maintenance etc – All hotel keys should be returned to the department concerned and no employee should be allowed to take keys out of the hotel’s premises. II. Damage of hotel property by the guest can be avoided by: – The hotel staff should identify the main cause for the damage. – If the damage is appears to be done intentionally the hotel can ask the guest to pay compensation for the same. For this it is necessary that the front desk is well versed with the cost of the damaged item.III. Theft of hotel property by the guest: Can be avoided by taking the following steps: – Installing automatic locks on the guest room doors – Appointing a security officer who would walk and take rounds at regular intervals – Inform guests to use the safe vault of the hotel and not to keep valuables in the guest room – Keep a watch on walk in as their likelihood of being a thief is more as compared to a guest who has undergone a process of making a reservation in the hotel – Avoid giving room numbers of resident guests to visitors or over the telephone callers. In case the guest loses his key and asks housekeeping to open the room door for them, HK should direct them to front desk – Master key should be kept under strict supervision and control Theft by outside visitors can be avoided by: – being aware of suspicious persons – regular and irregular schedule of vigil and rounds – Stagger lunch and rest periods of employees so as to keep one person on duty on each floor at all times – Instruct eh telephone operator not to connect calls to the guest room incase the request is made by the caller by room number.The receptionist should insist on knowing the name of the guest who the caller wishes to speak to. – Guest should be informed to keep the balcony door closed to avoid anyone entering the rooms from the balcony – Closed circuit televisions should be used 4) Situation of illness and epidemics: – The receptionist may be called for assistance during sickness of a guest. – Patient should be advised to consult the house physician but in case the guest has his own physician the same should be called. Housekeeping needs to be notified about the sickness and instructions if any – If the case of serious sickness, the guest should be moved to a nursing home – During epidemics all precautionary measures especially in food and beverage service area should be followed 5) Handling a drunk guest : – The guest should be removed from the lobby as early as possible but being careful not to irritate/offend him. – Preferably taken to the back office or to his room. – If he behaves unruly, the hotel security must be called.Safe deposit facility in the hotel for security of guests’ valuables: – It is the responsibility of management to develop and maintain proper safe deposit procedures for its property. – If this facility is available for guests, notices regarding it should be put up in various conspicuous/noticeable places in the hotel and also should be mentioned to the guest. – Safe depos it boxes should be located in an area, in vicinity of the front desk and which has limited access.Unauthorized guests or personnel should not be permitted inside the area. – Front office staff should be well-versed with the procedures regarding safe deposit boxes. – Strict control should apply to the storage and issue of safe deposit keys. – At any point of time there should be only one key issued for each safe even if more than one person is using the safe. – Two keys are required to open a safe deposit box: one being the guest’s key and the other being the control key/guard key put in by the cashier/safe deposit attendant. After the verification f the identity of the guest, the safe deposit attendant/cashier should accompany the guest to the safe deposit area where in clear sight should make use of the control key and the guest’s key to open the safe. Sometimes the hotel may not be able to meet the demand for individual safe box; in that c ase a large box containing the belongings of more than one guest is used. Each guest’s belongings are put in an envelope which is sealed. The key to this box is stored in a secure place and a log is maintained which records an entry each time the key is used to open the box

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How Do Social Networks Affect Secondary Student Education? Essay

Looking at most students, we have changed since the beginning of 2000. We can’t live without social networks; it has become a part of our daily routine. Online social media sites have gained worldwide growth and popularity, which has led to attracting attention from a variety of global researches. Secondary students use social networks as a mode to communicate and find answers and information about everything. According to current various research studies, it has been revealed that in modern society social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp have become issues to secondary students: they affect students’ health and performance at school, reduce their free time, keep them away from the family, have a bad influence, grammatically change them, and leave open to cyber-bullying. As the young generation tends to spend many hours on social networks, they spend less time on education. However, education is an essential part of an individual’s life. For every teenager, education should be the most important thing. Today, teenagers show much interest in using social networks, but, unfortunately, social networks affect education in a negative way (Kuppuswamy, Narayan 67). Social networks grab the total attention and concentration of the students and divert them towards non-educational, unethical and inappropriate actions such as useless chatting, wasting time by random searching and not doing their homework. Students are also not able to get rid of this addiction during lecture hours; therefore, their concentration decreases and this negatively affects their ability to learn new topics. According to Daily Mail, â€Å"Experts have confirmed what parents and teachers already feared – youngsters who use Facebook do worse on exams† (Clarke 1). The usage of social networks among younger children is high and growing rapidly. â€Å"The research showed that 68% of students who used Facebook had a significantly lower GPA† (Clarke 1). Moreover, Facebook rituals such as ‘liking pictures’, ‘poking’ other users and adding applications, can swallow up hours of study time (Clarke 1). According to other surveys, the  use of smartphones to access social network sites during class does not only affect students’ concentration, it also distracts students’ from listening and memorizing important information. Inevitably, their exam results fall dramatically. In The Impact of Mobile Phone Usage on Student Learning, Scott Titsworth and Jeffrey Kuznekoff have shared their survey results. In their survey, there are three student groups. The first group is the control group, who are banned from using their mobile phones during lecture hour. The second group is more free in using of their mobile phones than the first group. The third group, called the high-distraction group, is totally free to use their mobile phones during lessons. According to survey results, the control group is the most successful in exams, their free recall and note details are much better than other groups. The high-distraction group is the worst in all of the areas. Their short-time memories were affected negatively because of their use of the mobile phones (233). In Negative Effects of Social Networking Sites for Students, Steve Armstrong writes: â€Å"Students today have begun to rely on the accessibility of information that is available on the social media platforms specifically as well as the web in general in order to get answers. This means that there is a reduced focus on learning as well as on retaining information† (Armstrong 1). As a result usage of mobile phone during lecture hours has a significant effect on students’ exam results and memory. Similarly, social networking can impact health. One of the biggest problems is that the phone and computer screens have been proven to cause eyestrain, leading to poor eyesight. The little movement, when they are staring at a screen has been proven to lead to muscle weakness, less muscle development and, in some cases, bone loss. A number of studies have found characteristics of social networks to be strongly associated with health outcomes for a range of physical and psychiatric conditions, and even with mortality rates (Salzinger, Antrobus, and Hammer 2). To prove this statement, nowadays lots of teenagers are wearing glasses or contact lenses. That tells me that using social networks when it’s not needed, may lead you for a health problems. An article titled Are Social Networking Sites Turning Teens into Substance Abusers? tells the reader statistics about how much more likely teenagers are to drink or smoke after being on social networking  sites. â€Å"†¦teens that use Facebook on a daily basis are three times more likely to drink alcohol and twice as likely to use marijuana than those who do not use Facebook† (Jaslow part 2). Moreover, an article called The impact of Social Media on Children states that the likelihood of children who use social network often, can increase their chances of them getting in trouble or becoming depressed (Gwenn, Clarke-Pearson 1). Social networks like Facebook have a large impact on secondary students, often causing depression. The Telegraph reported a survey that found out that â€Å"53 percent of participants said social media sites had changed their behavior, while 51 percent of these said the change had been negative†. Furthermore, two thirds of participants have difficulty relaxing and sleeping after using websites, while â€Å"55 percent felt worried and uncomfortable when they are unable to log onto their social media accounts† (Dunneli 1). As well as that, 28 percent of young Facebook users, uses it †all the time†. Along with those problems, social media bullying has been consistent problem for teenagers. Since the increase in the usage of social network, it has become easier for people to target one another. Prospective problems such as cyber bullying, sexting and inappropriate behavior can occur without the appropriate monitoring by parents and the lack of regulation associated with today’s youth and young individuals. Sexting occurs among the teen population; a recent survey revealed, â€Å"20% of teens have sent or posted nude or seminude photographs or videos of themselves† (National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy 1). Severe, â€Å"frequent cyber bullying can leave both victims and bullies at greater risk for anxiety, depression, and other stress related disorders† (Cyberbullying 1). â€Å"The most common form of cyber bullying is through messages on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter and instant messaging† (Cyber-bullying 1). In some rare but highly publicized cases, some kids have turned to suicide. (Cyberbullying 1). For example, a few years ago a girl named Amanda Todd was cyber-bullied, which caused her to commit suicide. Before her death, she posted a video where she told how she was blackmailed into exposing herself online. After pictures were posted on Facebook, an online bullying campaign began and the 15 years old girl eventually committed a suicide (Six Unforgettable CyberBullying Cases 1). Another example is the story about Megan Meier. She struggled with  attention deficit disorder and depression in addiction to issues with her weight. About a week before her death, a boy named Josh Evans asked Megan to be friends on the social network, MySpace. They began to communicate regularly, although they never met each other. â€Å"Megan had a lifelong struggle with weight and self-esteem,† Tina said on the Foundation website. â€Å"And now she finally had a boy who she thought really thought she was pretty.† However, after Josh didn’t want to be friends with her and become more cruel by telling her â€Å"The world would be a better place without you.† The cyber bullying increased when her classmates and friends on MySpace began writing bad messages. Megan couldn’t read it all and went to her room, leaving her computer opened and hanged herself in her bedroom closet. She died three weeks before her 14th birthday (Six Unforgettable CyberBullying Cases 1). Correspondingly to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people with approximately 4,400 deaths every year. Many individuals feel that they cannot handle the impact of being bullied on social media and the stress related to it. Social media bullying makes people feel helpless and increases the risk of individuals who are being bullied to feel as if they will be the talk of the school or town. Bullying for the most part has been a continual problem in society. Parents need to educate their children on safer ways to use social media platforms in order to potentially avoid the blitz that is now referred to as social media bullying. Correspondingly, social media influences teenagers greatly. For example, let’s take teenage girls; they believe that to exemplify beauty, you have to be thin like a model, as well as that advertisements encourage them what to wear or how to look. Another example is that media sites display multiple advertisements such as banner ads and behavior ads that influence teenagers by showing bad example such as smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs. There are lots of social networks that operate by gathering information on the person and make them buy a product or use it. Such powerful influences start as soon as children begin to go online (Wilcox, Kunkel, Cantor, Dowrick, Linn, Palmer 2-3). In the same way, social media affect teenager’s grammar. Grammar structures, syntax, proper spelling are replaced by easier type of words, which are called ‘slang’. Teens have become quite adept at both thumbing and writing improper text where after they start to use it everywhere, even in their school assignments. Knowledge of grammar and spelling is lost and this degradation negatively affects students’ study. The researchers of New Media & Society passed out a survey that asked students to detail their texting habits, such as how many texts they send and receive, as well as their opinion on the importance of texting. The researchers also asked participants to note the number of adaptations in their last three sent and received text messages. Of the 542 surveys distributed, students completed and returned 228, or 42.1 percent (Matt Swayne, and Andrea Elyse Messer). Usually, when work is done, most teenagers spend their time online, chatting with friends or just scrolling down the news feed rather than do something helpful or getting enough sleep. As the research showed â€Å"the average teenager gets just seven-and-a-half hours’ sleep a night, despite needing eight to ten hours.†(Carey 1). According to the Sleep Foundation, as many as 65 percent of children are estimated to suffer from significant sleep deprivation. Hundreds of thousands of children here also have sleep disorders, including insomnia. By the time these children are in their teens, using smartphones and tablets into the early hours has become so established that it has its own name, ‘vamping’, named after the adolescent vampires who never sleep in the â€Å"Twilight† books and films (Carey 1). Social researcher Danah Boyd, author of the book It’s Complicated: The Social Lives Of Networked Teens, says that young people would rather be chronically tired and resort to subterfuge than give up what they regard as ‘me time’ late at night (Carey 1).â€Å"The Vampire CHILDREN† article showed and an example of a girl who spends her free time using social networks. â€Å"I snap really easily. My patience disappears and I just want everything on the spot,† she says, â€Å"I stay up until the messages stop. Then I see the time and panic that I’ve got to get up soon.† Being addicted to the social network can be one of the problems too. According to the Washington Post, 14-year old Ben Knight was asked about how he spends his time â€Å"From the time I get home until I go to  bed, I’m usually on my computer† (Ahuja 1). As stated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2011 American Time Use Survey, high school students spent on average less than an hour per weekday on sports, exercise and recreation (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 1). Although many people around the world use social networking, it should only be used as a tool. Social networking aids long distance communication greatly, but there must be a stopping point. It cannot become our main form of communication and interaction. If we continue overusing these sites, then it will keep affecting our communication, self-expression, bullying, health, friendship and performance at school, grammar and influence in negative ways. There is nothing that can substitute for personal interaction. Social networking is the problem and we must eliminate its overuse by finding hobby or something that you are interested in. Schedule more quality time away from technology driven activities. Work Cited Armstrong, Steve. â€Å"Negative Effects of Social Networking Sites for Students.† Performancing (2012). 25 Mr.2015 â€Å"American Time Use Survey Summary.† U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 18 June 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2015. â€Å"Cyberbullying.† KidsHealth – the Web’s Most Visited Site about Children’s Health. Ed. Larissa Hirsch. The Nemours Foundation, 01 June 2014. Web. 22 Mar. 2015. Craig Smith. â€Å"By the Numbers: 200+ Amazing Facebook Users Statistics.† Expanded Ramblings. DMR, 6 Apr. 2015. Web. 16 Apr. 2015 â€Å"Cyber-Bullying.† What Is Social Networking -. Social Networking, n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2015. Jaslow, Ryan. â€Å" Are social networking sites turning teens into substance abusers? – HealthPop – CBS News.† Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News – CBS News, 26 Aug.2011. Web. 14 March 2015. Gwenn Schurgin O’Keeffe MD, and Kathleen Clarke-Pearson MD. â€Å"The Im pact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Familie.† The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families. The American Academy of Pediatrics, n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2015. Kunkel D, Wilcox BL, Cantor J, Palmer E, Linn S, Dowrick P. Report of the APA Task Force on Advertising and Children. Section: psychological aspects of commercialization of childhood. February 2004. 25 Mar.2015 Kuznekoff, Jeffrey H., and Scott Titsworth. â€Å"The Impact of Mobile Phone Usage on Student Learning.† Communication Education. Routledge, 12 Feb. 2013. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. Laura Clarke. â€Å"F Grade for Facebook; Students Who Spend Too Much Time on Social Networks Falling Behind in School.† Daily Mail (London), 13 Apr. 2009. Web. 09 Mar. 2015. Laura Dunneli. â€Å"Facebook and Twitter Feed Anxiety, Study Finds.† The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 8 July 2012. Web. 23 Mar. 2015. Masuma Ahuja. â€Å"Teens Are Spending More Time Consuming Media, on Mobile Devices.† Washington Post. The Washington Post, 13 Mar. 2013. Web. 26 Feb. 2015. Matt Swayne, and Andrea Elyse Messer. â€Å"No LOL Matter: Tween Texting May Lead to Poor Grammar Skills | Penn State University.† Penn State News, 25 July 2012. Web. 11 Apr. 2015. National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. Sex and Tech: Results of a Survey of Teens and Young Adults. Washington, DC: National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy; 2008. 25 Mar.2015 S. Kuppuswamy, P. B. Shankar Narayan, â€Å"The Impact of Social Netwo rking Websites on the Education of Youth†, In International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking, Vol. 2, Issue 1, page 67-79, January-March 2010. 15 Mar. 2015 Suzanne Salzinger, John Antrobus, and Muriel Hammer. â€Å"The First Compendium of Social Network Research Focusing on Children and Young Adult.† Google Books. New York State Psychiatric Institute, 2014. Web. 17 Mar. 2015. â€Å"Six Unforgettable CyberBullying Cases.† NoBullyingExpert Advice on Bullying Cyber Bullying. No Bullying, n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015. Tanith Carey. â€Å"The Vampire CHILDREN; Hooked on IPads and Mobiles Late into the Night, They Hardly Sleep. Here Experts Reveal the Terrifying Toll on the Generation Dubbed. ..I Can Be on Social Networks until 3am. I Look at the Screens So Much My Eyes Burn and I Get Headaches.† Daily Mail (London), 12 Feb. 2015. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Korean pop culture and globalization Essay Example

Korean pop culture and globalization Essay Example Korean pop culture and globalization Paper Korean pop culture and globalization Paper Introduction: Korea Pop Culture and Globalization Recently, â€Å"Gangnam Style† , the vocal which is composed and sung by a Korean vocalist, has created a new Korean wave all over the universe. Though the wordss are written in Korean, it is unexpected that the official music picture ofGangnam Stylehas already viewed about 20 billion times on YouTube from 2012 to show ( YouTube, 2014 ) and go a planetary hit vocal. Besides,My Love from the Star,the Korean TV play distributed by Seoul Broadcasting System ( SBS ) , besides slingshot to fame and go a gossip subject for many homemakers and immature people in the East Asia, like in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Vietnam. This new Korean moving ridge, or person would name it Hallyu ( eYâ€Å"? µ? ) phenomena, attracts people from different states to pay attending to the pop civilization in Korea. In the late 1990s, South Korean cultural merchandises have started to catch public, particularly Asian’s attending under the impact of Globalization. Different Korean Television play, such asWinter SonataandDae Jang Geum, made a hit in the Korean domestic market. Following this success, these Television plans were picked up by foreign Television channels and gained popularity bit by bit through word-of-mouth and the media. In fact, the term of Korean moving ridge was named by Chinese mass media in 2001 in reacting to the turning credence of Korean dad civilization in China. To some extent, Korean dad civilization is perceived as an option of Nipponese pop civilization. It should be noted that there was Harizu ( aâ€Å"--? ) in Hong Kong and Taiwan in the late eightiess and early 1990s. The term of Harizu labels people who are indulged in Japan and its civilization. However, it seems that the Nipponese pop civilization did non viral every bit wider as the Korean 1. In contrary with Nipponese pop civilization, the one from Korea is supported and promoted by the Chinese media, and accepted by some Western states. There are two chief grounds why the Korean dad civilization successfully captures people’s eyes around the universe. First, Nipponese media companies did non sell their cultural merchandises actively in the international market ( Iwabuchi, 2004 ) , and hence its development limited to Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore merely. Second, Nipponese cultural merchandises were non welcomed or even banned by Chinese media due to historical struggles . On the other manus, China is more unfastened to Korean pop civilization while the people portion the similar experience of being colonized by Nipponese people in the early 20Thursdaycentury. In the paper, although is non aimed at explicating the differences between J-pop and K-pop, is purposed for analysing the Hallyu discourse under the cultural globalisation. We would discourse the alterations of dad civilization and the singularity of Korean dad cultural merchandises, in order to analysis how the Korean moving ridge could take topographic point in this planetary small town in recent decennaries. Popular Culture under Globalization: From America to Korea Indeed, there are different definitions of pop civilization, but no 1 could deny that the Western popular civilization has emerged to planetary mainstream in late 20Thursdayand early 21stcentury. After the Second World War, the mass media invention led to large-scale political and cultural alterations. And pop civilization began to take topographic point in America. Besides, during the Cold War period, different little states were put in two cantonments – Communists and Capitalists – by two world powers, viz. the U.S.A and the Soviet Union. The Cold War, in a certain extent, promoted the cultural globalisation by promoting in-migration inside the cantonments and making corporate cultural individualities. Besides, Soviet Union and America propagate their political orientations to their cantonments, and acted as a â€Å"theoretical† arm to contend against their oppositions. Thankss to the prostration of Soviet Union, the Western civilization spread out and go an in fluential power. Popular civilization, as the same clip, is regarded as an of import component in Western modernisation, which provides a different gustatory sensation of amusement and alterations people’s life style. Due to the America-led globalisation, its pop cultural merchandises are being exported to other Western and Asiatic states. The South Korean media and authorities, on the other manus, follow a somewhat different way of advancing its pop civilization. Unlike Americanization, Lee ( 2013 ) sees Hallyu phenomena as a sort of non-hegemonic local cultural globalisation. The Western dad civilization, particularly pop music, is regarded as a homogenising cultural power which encouraged people to fling their domestic signifiers of civilization and follow the trendy signifiers. On contrary, Korean dad civilization is non aimed at extinguishing the cultural features of other states or even replacing American or Nipponese pop civilization. Alternatively, it added deepness and diverseness to both Korean and international market. For certain, it is difficult for non-hegemonic civilization to derive recognized and grab attending from international audience. For illustration, Nipponese dad civilization had swept over Hong Kong and Taiwan, its impact is limited. K-pop civilization, nevertheless, is mostly supported by bot h domestic and international media market. Before discoursing why Korean dad civilization could stands out, we should first look into how globalisation and other elements help making and organizing K-pop civilization. First, American military personnels were sent to South Korea after the terminal of Japan’s colonisation. It did non merely convey the Western civilization, but besides took the American engineering of amusement production to South Korea. Thankss to the engineerings transfer, Korean cultural merchandises have turned to be widely accepted by the Korean young person. Second, the political democratisation in 1980s has laid down the footing of media democratisation in the ulterior times. Under the opinion of military autocratic government, the Korean mass media was chiefly controlled by the authorities. During the democratic passage, Korean people demanded for a more broad public communicating and media environment ( Shim, 2008 ) , and eventually induced to media democratisation in the late eightiess. It was w idely believed that the Korean imperativeness would no longer be suppressed by bumbling manners of censoring under the democratic authorities. The former Korean president Roh Tae-woo proved this statement. In 1989, the thought of establishing overseas telegram telecasting was suggested by the authorities Commission for Broadcasting System Research. In 1990, the commercial SBS was licensed by the authorities and being operated in 1991. SBS is the first commercial telecasting station and seen as an option of an oligopoly of other two public broadcasters, Korea Broadcasting System ( KBS ) and Munhwa Broadcasting Company ( MBC ) . The media democratisation helps making a more free competition and promoting diverseness in media industries. As a consequence, the quality of Korean pop cultural merchandises enhanced, as manufacturers and broadcasters get involved into the â€Å"drama war† by seting attempt on widening into antecedently untasted subjects, composing a better narrative and doing shooting in foreign states. Last, Korea was forced to open its market, including the sectors of film and telecasting, in the name of globalisation ( Shim, 2008 ) . Under the force per unit area from the U.S, foreign movie companies have been allowed to administer their movies without go throughing through local distributers in Korea since 1988. Consequently, the imports of foreign movie increased from 25 to 175 between 1984 and 1988. Furthermore, as General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) was transformed into the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) , member states of GATT, including Korea, are responsible for opening their media and cultural industries shortly. Because of the big figure of foreign cultural merchandises import, Korean civilization was in danger. In order to salvage the singularity of Korean civilization, the authorities decided to supply revenue enhancement inducements for movie devising and subsidise single movie productions. In this friendly environm ent, the domestic market portion of Korean movie had bit by bit increased from 15.9 % in 1993 to 35.5 % in 2000, and has recorded over 50 % since 21stcentury ( Korean Film Council, 2013 ) . In short, as challenged by the cultural globalisation and shaped by the Western civilization, Korean civilization was forced to better its quality and added some Western elements, in order to suit the gustatory sensation of modern people. However, the betterment of Korean dad civilization is out of the blue turned into the creative activity of Korean wave eventually. The Korean moving ridge: From East Asia to the West Sing the phenomena of Korean moving ridge, Chua Beng Huat and Iwabuchi ( 2008 ) stated that the Korean popular cultural merchandises stood out because of the â€Å"felicitous timing† . As celebrated antecedently, Korean dad civilization consolidate its domestic power in early 1990s, and it contributed to the stepping up of Korean wave in the ulterior times. In 1997, the Asiatic fiscal crisis applied two impacts on the tendency of popular civilization. First and first, Korean Television and media industries are forced to look for foreign market to turn to its fiscal jobs caused by the fiscal crisis. Second, telecasting industries, which in the states and parts affected by the economic downswing, were besides looking for cheaper foreign plans in order to cut the cost. During 1990s, Korean TV dramas merely be a one-fourth of monetary value of the one of Japan, and a ten percent of monetary value of Hong Kong’s production ( Shim, 2008 ) . Thankss to the low cost and high qu ality of cost, Korean Television plans were purchased by media industries in East Asia and successfully turned foreigner’s eyes from Western and Nipponese dad cultural merchandises to the Korean 1. The â€Å"felicitous timing† , at the same clip, points out that Korea grabbed a good opportunity in acquiring into the ‘geo-cultural’ market in East Asia ( Lee, 2013 ) . During the late eightiess and early 1990s, although Hong Kong and Japan exported its cultural merchandises to other East Asiatic states, its power is limited, as some developing East Asiatic states, such as Vietnam and the Philippines, did non hold much clip and resources to pay attending to either domestic or foreign cultural merchandises, but concentrate on its economic development. These states besides did non open its media market at that clip. However, in the late 1990s, the East Asiatic geo-cultural market was developed in the late 1990s and demanded for planetary cultural merchandises with different features. It was a great clip for Korean popular civilization to distribute out, while people are bored by Nipponese and Hong Kong Television plans, other Asiatic states did non hold the fiscal and cultural capital to supply quality and competitory cultural merchandises for the international media market. Due to the failing of rivals, it paves the manner for Korean dad civilization to win the competition. The Korean moving ridge, so, emerged all of a sudden like a roar which was non expected by either Korean people or aliens. It was suggested that the Korean moving ridge is followed by the Korean Television play in the late ninetiess and early 2000s. In 1997, the Television playA Star in My Heartwas distributed in China and greatly favours most of the Chinese urban people. Following withthe Winter Sonatain Japan and another roar withDai Jang Geumin Hong Kong, the moving ridge seems to be extended to the Asiatic urban countries. The Korean moving ridge, harmonizing to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in Korea, contributed to the addition in visitants and Korean merchandises export ( Hwang, 2011 ) . Three sectors, including touristry, movie and telecasting plans, are mostly benefited from the impact of Hallyu and generated considerable economic net incomes ( Lee, 2008 ) . For illustration, exports of Korean Television plans abroad brought about $ 71.5 million in 2003, while Televisio n play accounted for about $ 60 million, which is 91.8 % portion of the entire export value ( Lee, 2005 ) . On the footing of the Hallyu consequence, which shows the bright hereafter of Korea popular civilization, the Korean authorities adopted different policies to advance its ‘soft power’ to the universe. While the Korean moving ridge was led chiefly by K-pop music and Television plans, the Gyeonggi provincial authorities suggested to construct an amusement composite, which would be called HallyuWood, by 2008 ( Korea Foundation for International Culture Exchange, 2008 ) , in the name of advancing Korean movie merchandises to the universe. The authorities besides helps modulating the quality of pop civilization by implementing specialised plans in civilization engineerings in universities and nurture Korean endowments in the industries. Besides, the Culture Ministry decided to diverse the beginnings to publicise both traditional Korean civilization and popular civilization. For case, the authorities put a big sum of disbursement over 87 billion won since 2009 on advancing i ts traditional culinary art, as a manner to follow American’s ‘McDonaldization’ . In fact, mass media in Europe and the United States on a regular basis reported the narratives of Korean dishes, in order to increase consciousness among the Western people. While the authorities extends both fiscal and material support to abroad Korean eating house, more foreign people are willing to seek Korean dishes these yearss ( Lee, 2012 ) . Besides, the authorities helps constructing a assortment of tourer attractive forces. For illustration, Chungmuro has turned to be a Korean Wave subject street since 2011. Myungbo Art Hall besides has converted into a â€Å"Korean Wave experience center† . The ‘Korean Wave’ undertaking, which costs 21.4 billion won, would exhibit name home bases and manus prints of celebrated Korean histrions and actresses ( Oh, 2011 ) . Thankss to the governmental support and the development of Digital engineerings and Information engineerings, the Korean moving ridge now take rooted in East Asia and started to overspread to the West. To some extent, it is easy for people to portion information on the Internet in this twenty-four hours and age. As a consequence, Korean pop cultural merchandises could be easy gone viral to other states and Korean soap operas maintain pulling people’s attending over the universe. Wang Qi-shan, the caput of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection mentioned â€Å" ( The Korean Television playMy Love from the Star )is now taking China by storm† ( Sohn, 2014 ) . Although the Television play did non pull much the Western people, because of a different civilization and gustatory sensation, K-pop vocal and Television assortment show did. As mentioned before,Gangnam Style, the vocal Sung by PSY, creates a new unit of ammunition of Hallyu to the West. On September 14, 20 12, the vocal came in as No. 64 on the Billboard Hot 100 – the chief individual chart in America. Two hebdomads subsequently, it was surprisingly ranked No.2 on the same chart and the place had maintained for seven back-to-back hebdomads. Most significantly, the vocal besides ranked as No.1 in European states like the U.K, Germany, Brazil and Australia. Though different K-pop graven image groups, including BigBang, Girls’ Generation and Wonder Girls, promoted their albums to the West, the successful narrative of PSY is unprecedented. Furthermore,Runing Man,the assortment shows produced by SBS, non merely followed closely by Asiatic people, but the Western people besides. In the past few old ages, the production squad of running adult male was invited by the authorities of Thailand, China and Hong Kong, in order to advance its touristry. In 2014, the bend is passed to the Australian authorities. In the particular episodes of Australia, different tourer attractive forces , such as Tanglooma Island Resort and Royal Arcade, were highlighted and promoted by the MCs and different beautiful shootings. It reveals that the Western people begin to take their eyes on Korean cultural merchandises and believe in its influential power. Most significantly, many Korean dad stars and graven image groups start looking on foreign Television ads and assist advancing their merchandises. For illustration, Kim Soo Hyun, the histrion ofMy Love,is invited to be the interpreter of Samsonite – an American transnational baggage trade name – late. Decision Surely, the Hallyu phenomena non merely further the modernisation of Korea, but besides bring some negative effects to the state.