Friday, December 27, 2019

Should Sports Doping Be Banned - 2190 Words

Doping in Sports As Richard (Dick) Butkus once said, â€Å"There is a myth out there that somehow anabolic steroids can turn a cub into a bear. Steroids won’t make you tough and competitive. What they will do is ruin your health. It’s that simple.† The use of prohibited substances in sports has had a major timeline. Using drugs in sports goes back to ancient times. Prohibited substances are used in almost every single sport. Doping in sports is definitely a form of cheating. The athletes who use drugs are gaining an edge over the athletes who are working hard and respecting the sport to get where they want to be and it is not fair to them. This topic is important because doping in sports has been a major problem since forever. Doping in sports really affects your health and there are athletes out there that have died from using drugs in sports. People think that doping in sports is completely wrong and definitely cheating because the athletes who are using drugs in sports are getting an edge over the ones who aren’t using drugs and working their asses off to get where they want to be and it just isn’t fair to them. Doping in sports has been a major problem since forever. Athletes in sports are finding ways to use drugs in sports and not get caught and that is unacceptable. As stated in the article of â€Å"Doping†, here is a fact founded, â€Å"Doping is a term that refers to the use of prohibited substances to improve an athlete’s performance in sporting events. Most people considerShow MoreRelatedUse of Steroids by Athletes Essay1538 Words   |  7 Pagesoffered a banned performance enhancing substance that comes with two guarantees: 1) You will not be caught. 2). You will win every competition you enter for the next five years and then you will die from the side effects of the substance. Would you take it? More than half the athletes said yes. As we can infer from the above survey, a large number of professi onal athletes are willing to risk their lives for the chance of victory and recognition. The controversy of doping in sports is centeredRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Steroids In Sports951 Words   |  4 PagesSteroids in sports has been one of the biggest controversial topics since 1904 when Olympic marathon runner, Thomas Hicks, used a mixture of brandy and strychnine and nearly died. However, the use of PED’s (performance enhancing drugs) dates all the back to 776 BC with the Ancient Greek athletes. In sports todays the question is whether or not these types of drugs should be banned from competition. In sports today it is all about entertaining the common people. Americans tune in every night to watchRead MoreGene Doping Essay1278 Words   |  6 PagesGene Doping is defined as using â€Å"Forbidden substances or methods to increase physical and or mental performance† ( Gene doping is banned from athletics, and very dangerous to use, mainly for the body. There are some pluses to the drug, it helps with dangerous diseases, helps people gain strength back, and also helps them become more resistant to being winded. Even though it is good for the sick, for the healthy it plays the same role but it is very dangerous because there areRead MoreDoping Testing And Doping Tests1350 Words   |  6 PagesDoping dates back to ancient Greek where athletes took special diets to make themselves stronger. In the 19th Century, substances such as caffeine, alcohol and cocaine were used to enhance performance among long distance athletes. In 1904, for example, Thomas H icks won the marathon by taking raw eggs, doses of brandy administered during the race and injections of strychnine. By the year 1920s, people realized that restrictions had to be created regarding the use of drugs in sports. In 1928, IAAFRead MoreThe Greatest Cycling Doping Scheme Fell Apart Around The Ringleader Essay1686 Words   |  7 Pagesthe greatest cycling doping scheme fell apart around the ringleader, Lance Armstrong. He was called a cheat, bully, and stripped of all seven of his consecutive Tour De France yellow jerseys. At the heart of all of this was a drug called EPO and a method called blood doping. In an investigation by the International Cycling Union (UCI) they found that the period between 1990 and 2000 to as an â€Å"epo epidemic† (Lodewijkx 3). And even now dozens of professional athletes get banned over the use of thisRead MoreSteroids and Sports Don’t Mix Essay1662 Words   |  7 PagesThe problems of doping in sports began to surface in the late 1950s, because of rumors that coaches were allowing players to use performance-enhancing drugs. The 1956 Olympic Games where plagued with athletes using performance-enhancing drugs, so countries began to speak out against the harm that drugs were causing to the athletes and the sport (6 Anonymous). Long-term use of performance-enhancing drugs will destroy athletes bodies. Doping is the use of illegal substances that is harmful toRead MoreThe Legalization Of Steroids Should Be Beneficial For The World Of Sport1226 Words   |  5 Pagesduring high school with the introduction of organized sport teams. The perspective against the legalization of steroids believes in the many benefits of legalization. The perspective for the legalization of steroid expresses the harmful effects of steroids. My view of the subject is that I am against the legalization of steroids. The perspective for the legalization of steroids believes in benefits. The article â€Å"Performance-Enhancing Drugs Should Be Legalized.† by Stephen Wang focuses on the ideaRead MoreSports Will Either Be A School Of Virtue Or A School Of1254 Words   |  6 PagesSports will either be a school of virtue or a school of vice, and that s why the epidemic of cheating in professional sports is, and ought to be, a huge cultural concern† (Landry, 2012, para. 1). Professional sports are littered with cheating scandals and as technology advances so will access to new and clever techniques. There are many ways to cheat in sports, such as fixing games, placing bets on teams, lying about your age, and the biggest one of them all, taking performance enhancing substancesRead MoreBlood Doping : Can We Beat It?1347 Words   |  6 PagesBlood Doping: Can We Beat It? All humans, no matter what religion, skin color, age, or gender, have blood streaming through out our bodies. Blood rushes oxygen around the body, pulls carbon dioxide out of the body, sends white blood cells to fight illness and infection, is produced in the bone marrow, carries platelets and fibers that close up wounds, and comes in the types A, B, AB, and O, with type O being a universal blood donor. Blood is not just imperative, it is irreplaceable. Doctors canRead MoreA Letter to the Minister of Sports in Singapore863 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿A Letter to the Minister of Sport in Singapore Dear Sir: Millions of people worldwide wonder why competitive athletes cant just use their natural God-given strengths and talent and hence, eliminate the tedious reports of cheating in sports. This letter delves into the issues that officials and team administrators deal with vis-à  -vis banned substances, and takes the position that society urgently must find solutions for cheating in sports. I hope you have time to give consideration to the materials

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Human Trafficking A Serious Crime And A Direct Violation...

Intelligence Question: How human trafficking is currently impacted by increased law enforcement coverage at the southwest border aimed at reducing illegal alien smuggling into the country? Summary: Human trafficking is a serious crime and a direct violation of human rights. It can be defined as an illegal trade of human beings in which they are treated as possessions to be controlled for labor intensive work like slavery, or exploited by being forced into prostitution. Every year, millions of people are trafficked globally and thousands of them are trafficked here or within the United States. â€Å"Women are victims in about 85% of sex trafficking cases, and for the men about 40% of labor trafficking cases. There are about 41% of sex†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Created in 2005 - Operation against Smugglers Initiative on Safety and Security (OASISS) is an operation, along the many of them used by the U.S., to make sure the border security is strong and to ensure no ones crosses illegally. This operation includes customs border patrol agents teaming up with Mexican officials to share information and prosecute smugglers in the border areas. â€Å"The program w as set up to identify and dismantle alien smuggling organizations through a bi-national prosecutorial program that includes expanding current liaison operations, gathering and exchanging data, and enhancing judicial consequences on both sides of the border.† (Southwest Border Security Operations.†) The program has played a huge and important role in solving nearly 1500 cases. It also is responsible for these main advancements: 1. Lead the modification of the original program developed by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) application from English to Spanish. 2. Managed the business workflow modification of the application to fit the needs of Attorney General Office of Mexico Government. 3. Lead the modification of specific program modules to enable exchange of data regarding OASISS cases. 4. Lead the establishment of a secure data exchangeShow MoreRelatedHuman Trafficking Is A Grave Crime And A Serious Violation Of Human Rights1555 Words   |  7 PagesHumana Trafficking Introduction Human trafficking refers to the practice of recruiting, transferring, transporting, receiving, or harboring people through the use of force, threat, or other forms of abduction, coercion, deception, fraud, as well as abuse of power or vulnerability position (Segrave 2). Human trafficking is a grave crime and a serious violation of human rights as it involves a broad range of human exploitations, including forced labor, sexual exploitation, slavery practices, as wellRead MoreDeath Penalty Essay607 Words   |  3 PagesCapital punishment as known as the death penalty is the execution of a person by judicial process as a punishment for an offense. Crimes that are known as capital crimes or capital offences result in the death punishment. China crimes that were human trafficking and serious cases of corruptions are punishments of the death penalty. Militaries around the world court-martials had imposed death sentences for offenses such as cowardice, desertion, insubordination, and m utiny. The methods of executionRead MoreHuman Trafficking And The United States1066 Words   |  5 PagesHuman trafficking has always been a though subject. Most Americans prefer to believe that this is a problem of the past, that it simply does not occur anymore. Others accept the fact that human trafficking exist, but in a far away reality, an incident homed only in poor, third world countries. This couldn’t be farther away from the truth. Human trafficking is a real and current problem in the United States, California being a hotspot for this issue, and with the Super Bowl in 2016 the problem willRead MoreIts Time to Stop Child Trafficking Essay examples1663 Words   |  7 Pagesorganization and active in more than 190 countries and territories through country programmes and National Committees â€Å"The huge transnational industry of trafficking in human beings generates approximately up to $10 billion per year† ( Even though child trafficking is an illegal and underground trading, there are still huge numbers of child trafficking by we are known. Nowadays, most countries have better laws to protect their own citizens. Moreover, as time goes by, people are receiving a higherRead MoreHuman Trafficking Is A Global Issue1322 Words   |  6 Pagesthe development of globalization, human trafficking is getting worse and worse. The human trafficking is a global issue that everybody should care about. Lots of young people become a victim of human trafficking, whether in developing countries or developed countries. Some organizations and governments are beginning to solve this problem, but it is very hard to complete. Human trafficking, which is no respecter of national frontiers, is considered as a serious crime that has disturbed many countriesRead MoreHuman Trafficking in the Us1244 Words   |  5 PagesRough Draft: Human Trafficking and its Relationship throughout these United States A serious crime that virtually affects every country in the world is human trafficking. Human trafficking is a multi-national criminal business that’s roots are tied into â€Å"trans-criminal organizations, small criminal networks and local gangs, violations of labor and immigration codes, and government corruption† (Richard, 1999; U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2006.). Typically human trafficking has been definedRead More Child Trafficking Essays1660 Words   |  7 PagesChild Trafficking â€Å"The global market of child trafficking is at over $12 billion a year with over 2 million child victims† (â€Å"Stop Child Trafficking Now† 1). This statement from the article â€Å"Stop Child Trafficking Now† describes how serious this crisis is nationwide. Child labor, illegal adoptions and child prostitution are the three forms child trafficking typically exists as (â€Å"Riverkids Project† 1). There has been a rising number of Cambodian children being trafficked for sexual exploitationRead MoreHuman Trafficking and Exploitation973 Words   |  4 Pagestransmitted diseases over the past twenty years. If serious action is not taken immediately, millions more will become victims. Human sex trafficking is a form of slavery and involuntary servitude which results in major human rights contraventions. Sex trafficking contains individuals profiting from the sexual extortion of others and has severe physical and psychological consequences for its victi ms.1 Prostitution is the exchange of sexual acts for human necessities such as money, food, shelter and oftenRead MoreTrafficking of Human and Children for Prostitution and Regulation4912 Words   |  20 PagesWhat is Trafficking? Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings mainly for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labour. Other purposes can be extraction of organs, or tissues or even surrogacy or ova removal. It can also be regarded as modern form of slavery. Trafficking is a lucrative industry. It is second only to drug trafficking as the most profitable illegal industry in the world. In 2004, the total annual revenue for trafficking in persons were estimated toRead MoreSex Slavery And Human Trafficking2202 Words   |  9 Pages Sex Slavery and Human Trafficking in Nigeria Ramapo College of New Jersey Kaitlyn Cestaro Human Trafficking is defined in article 3, paragraph (a) of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Jobs will be created in Ontarios information tech Essay Example For Students

Jobs will be created in Ontarios information tech Essay bobnology industry this year, based on a survey of 400 companies, the information industry association said. But 9,900 of these jobs could go unfilled as a result of shortages of skilled workers meaning that companies will be constrained from expanding their businesses or may even be forced to relocate some activities elsewhere. A serious skills shortage which exists in Canada today is becoming even more acute, Beatty said this week at the Statistics Canada conference, warning that a lack of skills will serve as a brake on Canadas economic engine and that the problem will grow.Yet it is hard to see a quick turnaround to the problem, though companies can do more to train existing workers and to adopt more advanced production systems that require fewer people. For example, changes in tax regulations, notably those affecting depreciation, could reduce the cost of new technology though new technologies often require even higher level skills. In Ontario, there is a shameful neglect of the issue. The provincial government has seriously underfunded the entire education system, from primary and high schools through to apprenticeships, colleges and universities. Today, a crisis is emerging in our colleges and universities, which lack the space and faculty to deal with the double cohort enrolment stemming from the abolition of Grade 13. Nor does Ontario have a coherent skills training and retraining strategy. The quasi-religious belief at Queens Park is that tax cuts will solve all problems. As a key part of the current federal innovation initiative, Human Resources Development Minister Jane Stewart is pushing the need for national

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Lawrence Cleveland Essays - Yesterday, David Ruffin Discography

Lawrence Cleveland The moment that we shared when our eyes first made contact, I knew that since that time, that our time would be more than that. You have proven to me that in this age one can truly trust. The feelings that I share for you are surely more than lust. Can you trust this person who sweeps you off your feet? But, you wonder if you pass me up will you ever find a lover so sweet. I have opened up my heart to you, hoping that you will do the same for me. I am ready this very instant, to with you and only you, spend the rest of eternity. Hold my hand my love as I take you to the stars. I can't give you everything, I promise you my heart. My eyes are only for you and my words will only grace your ears. Run into my arms as I embrace you and wipe away your tears. The Days of Yesterday Oh, how the days of yesterday are gone. Like a fallen warrior whose time has passed on. The days of yesterday are gone for days much stranger. And in that mystery comes some danger. Days of know responsibility are quite seldom. How can I bare such a heavy burden. Strange faces, mean looks, and danger are what the future brings. But, if you remember your past you can still lift your head and sing. Have you? Have you ever known someone who could have been anything he wanted to be? But, in his heart couldn't find the heart to achieve. Or, have you ever walked past an open door? But, since you didn't look in couldn't find more. Have you ever seen a cover of a book but didn't pick it up? You will never know because you never bothered to look. Have you ever known a girl who was smart but to shy? If she would have opened her mouth, vast opportunities wouldn't have passed her by. Have you ever met someone who charmed you till you cried? But, because of a simple arguement, you'll never know what they had inside. If you go through life scared to take a risk, You'll never know what you have really missed.