Saturday, February 22, 2020

German Civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

German Civilization - Essay Example The history of Germany depicted itself as an integrated form of semi-autonomous state, which had multiple loose shackles both in terms of political and economic background. Taking into consideration the loose ends, the political parties within Germany were majorly involved in reinforcing the integrity and the identity of the nation from the cultural and the political perspective. In addition, the history of Germany also encapsulates history about its military forces, the flourishing pattern, which was reflected during the World War I. It was also the starting stage of Germany’s military expansion. Despite being defeated during the ‘First Battle of the Marne’, this small nation stepped upwards as a result of numerous planned military strategies. The success story of the German forces can also be described as a strategic win attained by the German generals over the Russians (Fulbrook 104-154). German history depicted multiple factors that led this nation to participate forcibly in World War I that occurred during the period of 1914. One of such initiating factor was the situational instability between the ‘nationalists’, ‘colonialist’ and the ‘imperialist’, which in turn triggered the flow of nationalist movements within the European nations. The situation was also accompanied by the exchange of huge number on warfare armaments that finally took the shape of World War I. In addition, to the reasons mentioned above, the intended murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand along with his wife who actually belonged from Austria was also an important factor resulted in the war. The murder was initiated by the Bosnian nationalists that resulted in complexities amid ‘Austria-Hungary’ in terms of releasing final warning against Serbia, which was directly ignored. The entire process decimated the stability factors and eventually ended up in initiating the World War I. The war

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Week 10 Question 2 Part 2 Looking Ahead Assignment

Week 10 Question 2 Part 2 Looking Ahead - Assignment Example If debt financing cannot be avoided, the government needs to ensure that the economy can be able to support the repayment of the debt. This knowledge will help me give wise and informed advice on any investment decision taken. The knowledge acquired in this course on budgeting also proves to be viable in my position. I plan to apply the skills from this topic in ensuring that the decision on expenditure helps my office meet its targets. The government normally allocates a certain amount of funds to its branches in a financial year. This course has helped me to appreciate how crucial it is to have budgets in order to ensure that all targets are met. Budgets work by apportioning money according to projects or activities, and the periods under which they need to be completed. This helps in avoiding overspending and also helps in finishing projects in time (Pratt, 2002). An individual who has no financial background could use what is learned in finance in making better decisions. For example, looking at risks and the assessment of risks, this individual can be able to determine how risky it is to invest in a company by looking at the general view of the company (Chong, 2004). This may by looking at cases of corporate mismanagement in the company that indicate high risk. This individual can also be able to know the performance of a company by looking at the performance of the company or by relying on investors’ reactions. For example, a company that is not performing well will have reports that show poor performance. Investors will also react by shying away from investing in the