Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Remote environment- PESTEL Essay

Industry environment-five forces Internal environment- strategic driver (industry/market, product/service, customer, channel, competitive advantage), operational driver, (cost, revenue, growth), people and organizational driver (structure, skill, capability), SWOP analysis and GAP analysis Product/market development Strategic development Vision: SEC aims to act as an agency that was high functioning, agile and intelligent, and committed to investor protection and market integrity, which is really critical to the success of economy. Mission: Restoring SEC’s vigour and credibility within the financial regulatory community as an agency and assessing what went wrong and to ensure it did not happen again. Value: vigor, credibility, high functioning, agile, intelligent, commitment, integrity. Goal: Financial Customer Internal process Learning and growth Mary set up three strategic themes to pursue, the operational levers, people and organization levers that assisted in achieving those options. Strategic option (industry/market, product/service, customer, channel, competitive advantage) (a) Assessing what needed to be done within the organization (1) SEC invested funds to restructure SEC’s largest division, get staff trained and qualified, recruit analysts etc. (2) Schapior recruited analysts and people who understood trading, market structure, corporate governance and a whole range of skill sets that would be important for the future. (3)she restructure the SEC’s largest division-â€Å"to make this regulator more responsive, more agile and clever and capable of seeing around corner to figure out where the next problems were before they hit us in the face†. (3)Schapiro leveraged the SEC talent by bringing in new constructive leadership. (4) Staffs were sent to qualify as certified fraud examiner; a whole layer of management was removed and was reassigned to the front line. (5) Specialized units was set up to focus on areas of concern such as  corrupt foreign practices, insider trading, market manipulations and structured product.(5) New technology was introduced to make the strategy work. (b) Shifting the agency’s focus back to protecting the investor Chairman Schapiro’s vision is to restore SEC’s vigour and credibility within the financial regulatory community. It is critical for the success of economy to have an agency that was high functioning, agile and intelligent, and committed to investor protection and market integrity. Chairman Schapiro also incorporated it into the SEC’s operations. (1) She put devices â€Å"investor-focused agenda† in place to ensure â€Å"a Madoff† could never happen again to the agency. (2) She encouraged everyone to think and come up with an idea of â€Å"how does it help investors† (3) Hedge funds were registered for the first time. Rules were also set for over-the-counter derivatives and asset back securities. (4) She addressed the importance of understanding the risk and having transparency that is sufficient to understand the risks. Then build the structure to ensure there is compliance with all of the rules. (5), whistleblower program was set up, which was about coordinating all tips into one central database to be able to track movement and detect securities violation, also, US Congress offer people a monetary reward if they provided information about ongoing securities law violations that led to a successful enforcement action (6) She addressed the importance of leverage, as SEC did not have adequate resources to do the job. (c) Acknowledging its mistakes Visible crises can be enormously helpful in catching people’s attention and pushing up urgency levels. Admissions of significant failures at the SEC extend back over many years and cover multiple areas of SEC operations, the credibility of the SEC as a financial regulator has never been lower. The SEC failed to discover a $50 billion Ponzi scheme at Madoff Investment Securities, despite having received allegations of wrongdoing for over a decade, suggests fundamental weaknesses in its core enforcement Change management (chapter 6) In the context of strategy, it is the realization of the strategic plan. Change management is designed to ensure the effective transition of an organization and its people from the current to future states, and is about  effectively leading and managing individuals, teams and organization to successfully adopt the changes needed to achieve required or desired business results. Kotter’s eight-step can be used to transform SEC successfully. 1, establishing a sense of urgency As initiators of the strategy, there is a need to establish a sense of urgency. Visible crises can be enormously helpful in catching people’s attention and pushing up urgency levels. Admissions of significant failures at the SEC extend back over many years and cover multiple areas of SEC operations, the credibility of the SEC as a financial regulator has never been lower. The SEC failed to discover a $50 billion Ponzi scheme at Madoff Investment Securities, despite having received allegations of wrongdoing for over a decade, suggests fundamental weaknesses in its core enforcement 2, forming a powerful guiding coalition It is critical to create a guiding coalition to build urgency and momentum for the change, it is crucial to identify key people from different areas of the organization who would be willing and able to manage the change. It is important to get this group operating as a team early in the process. (a) Mary set up new senior team, which consisted of analysts and people who understood trading, market structure, corporate governance and a whole range of skill sets. (b) Thousands of staffs were grouped into specialized units to focus on areas of concern such as corrupt foreign practices, insider trading, market manipulation and structured product etc 3, creating a vision and strategy Creating a clear and concise vision helps the organization to have a clear picture of the future so that it can align, concentrate and coordinate the efforts of everyone to achieve the final goal. Chairman Schapiro’s vision is to restore SEC’s vigour and credibility within the financial regulatory community. It is critical for the success of economy to have an agency that was high functioning, agile and intelligent, and committed to investor protection and market integrity. Chairman Schapiro also incorporated it into the SEC’s operations. 4, communicating the visions The vision needs to be communicated properly, regularly and impressively using every vehicle possible. Chairman Schapiro has engaged in significant public speaking in which she has regularly and repeatedly informed and reminded the SEC staff and various elements of the public about the SEC’s recommitment to investor protection and the linkage of that vision to structural and operational changes at the SEC. 5, empowering others to act and eliminating obstacles The organization should empower the change managers to make changes to its structure and processes so that these align with the change vision, facilitating the readiness for change and removing any obstacles for change. Many of the structural and operational reforms implemented by Chairman Schapiro appear to be designed to empower SEC staff members for action that carries forward the change vision of the SEC. The restructuring of the Division of Enforcement was geared to clear structural barricades to effective enforcement efforts. The decision to retain staff with â€Å"non-traditional skills† and the implementation of new staff training are examples of efforts to remedy skill deficits. Human resources and information systems have been or are being improved in response to deficiencies identified in the SEC 6, planning for and crating short-term wins Because the organizational change process is slow and constituents can be impatient, it is important for a change leader to accomplish certain limited objectives in the short term. During her tenure, the agency’s work force brought about a record number of enforcement actions and achieved significant regulatory reform to protect investors. 7, consolidating improvements and producing still more change Kotter suggests analyzing the change implementation and improving it where appropriate through continuous improvement and new programs. Although a rapid, consistent pace of change at the SEC was sustained, Chairman Schapiro as well as other SEC change leaders, needed to maintain the change momentum by continuing to introduce reforms on a regular basis. Until changed practices attain a new equilibrium and have been driven into the culture, they can be very  fragile.†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ To reach that equilibrium, in addition to engaging in more and continuous change, the SEC should bring in additional change agents, continue to foster leadership from its senior managers, recruit and nurture project management and leadership from lower ranks in the hierarchy, and identify and decrease or eliminate unnecessary internal structural and operational interconnections that often make change efforts more complex. 8, institutionalizing new approaches It is fundamental to make sure the change has been implemented and embedded clearly in behaviors, shared values and the daily operations of the organization. Accordingly, it was of importance to understand the applicable behavioural norms and shared values of the SEC Because the core vision of investor protection should not be entirely inconsistent with the SEC’s culture, these and other change leaders at the SEC should be able to â€Å"graft the new practices onto the old roots while killing off the inconsistent pieces.† The important thing will be for the SEC’s change leaders to continue to remember the organization’s heritage and link it to the organization’s new and ongoing operations. Why change is hard Transformational leadership Where a change in the mind-set of the organization is required or where the shared beliefs, values, and culture of an organization need to be completed transformed. Key phases of transformational leaderships A need for change is identified and communicated Transformation starts when a need for change is felt. Once the need to transform is identified, it must be communicated to people in the organization.Visible crises can be enormously helpful in catching people’s attention and pushing up urgency levels. Admissions of significant failures at the SEC extend back over many years and cover multiple areas of SEC operations, the credibility of the SEC as a financial regulator has never been lower. The SEC failed to discover a $50 billion Ponzi scheme at Madoff Investment Securities, despite having received allegations of wrongdoing for  over a decade, suggests fundamental weaknesses in its core enforcement. Chairman Schapiro also communicated the need of change to people in organization and pulic.Chairman Schapiro has engaged in significant public speaking in which she has regularly and repeatedly informed and reminded the SEC staff and various elements of the public about the SEC’s recommitment to investor protection and th e linkage of that vision to structural and operational changes at the SEC. -The leader provides an alternative vision for future, which is idealistic yet based in reality as so to encourage people to commit to implementing it. Chairman Schapiro’s vision is to restore SEC’s vigour and credibility within the financial regulatory community. It is critical for the success of economy to have an agency that was high functioning, agile and intelligent, and committed to investor protection and market integrity. Chairman Schapiro also incorporated it into the SEC’s operations. -After implemented, the transformation embeds the change into the organization and makes it permanent. If the change is not reinforce continually over the implementation period, it often slowly unwinds. Although a rapid, consistent pace of change at the SEC was sustained, Chairman Schapiro as well as other SEC change leaders, needed to maintain the change momentum by continuing to introduce reforms on a regular basis. Until changed practices attain a new equilibrium and have been driven into the culture, they can be very fragile.†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ To reach that equilibrium, in addition to engaging in more and continuous change, the SEC shouldbring in additional change agents, continue to foster leadership from its senior managers, recruit and nurture project management and leadership from lower ranks in the hierarchy, and identify and decrease or eliminate unnecessary internal structural and operational interconnections that often make change efforts more complex.

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