Saturday, January 4, 2020

Educating Special Needs Students Essay - 1347 Words

EDUCATING SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS Educating Special Needs Students Katy J. Kaldenberg Grand Canyon University: SPE-226 Educating the Exceptional Learner Wednesday, December 14, 2011 Educating Special Needs Students It can be a difficult task to teach the typical child who has the ability to grasp concepts effectively. The task of teaching children with disabilities can be even more challenging. One of the most challenging tasks that a teacher today may have to preform is effectively teaching children with disabilities. There are several types of disabilities a child may have including but not limited to intellectual disability, autism, severe disabilities, and multiple disabilities. Intellectual Disability According†¦show more content†¦o Issues developing nonverbal communication skills, such as eye contact, facial expressions, and body posture. o Hard time developing friendships with peers. o Lack of interest in sharing enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people. o Lack of empathy. People with autism may have difficulty understanding another persons feelings, such as pain or sorrow. †¢ Verbal and nonverbal communication. o Hard time developing communication skills, estimates state that 40% of people with autism never speak. o Problems starting conversation. o Echolalia (Stereotyped and repetitive use of language). People with autism often repeat over and over a phrase they have heard previously. o Difficulty understanding their listeners perspective. †¢ Limited interests in activities or play. o An unusual focus on pieces. Younger children with autism often focus on parts of toys, such as the wheels on a car, rather than playing with the entire toy. o Preoccupation with certain topics. o A need for sameness and routines. o Stereotyped behaviors. These may include body rocking and hand flapping. The best way to help a child with autism is to understand that they perceive and respond to things differently than that of the typical child (Gilman, P., 2011). The classroom must be structured according to the child’s needs (Gilman, P.,Show MoreRelatedEducating Special Needs Students: I.E. Autism and Other Severe Disabilities1480 Words   |  6 PagesEducating Special Needs Students: I.e. Autism and other Severe Disabilities Timothy E. 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