Friday, April 10, 2020

Pre fire plan

Building identification The structure in the picture depicts an apartment building, which is type 3 because the materials used in construction are inflammable. One can easily identify this building since bricks constitute its exterior walls. This is one of the oldest buildings, which is evident in old towns.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Pre fire plan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is apparent that the building has wood joints since its interior exudes aspects that depict wood tendencies. For this reason, It is apparent that during fire outbreak, the core can burn easily; thus, causing the exterior part to collapse. NFA fire flow calculations The size of the building is 200sq ft length by 80 sq ft width. The formula for calculating the need fire flow is (CFBT-US LLC): The need fire flow for 25% involvement will be 1333.33 whilst the need fire flow for 50% involvement will be 2666.67. The need fire flow f or 75% involvement will be 4000. Concurrently, the need fire flow for 100% will be 5333.33. Indeed, the formula will be helpful in controlling fire. The fire prevention system in the building The building has smoke sensors that enable the occupants to detect the smoke before it reaches their residence especially when they are asleep. I think the smoke detectors in the building are essential since they will alert the occupant when there is a fire outbreak. Indeed, the installation of the detectors should be compulsory in every building. It will be helpful if the smoke detectors are evident in strategic positions so that the occupants are awaken early enough, to give them time to evacuate the building (IBC 165).Advertising Looking for report on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The building also has a fire alarm, which can alert the inhabitants. Just like the smoke detectors, the location of fire detectors s hould be in strategic places especially near sleeping areas to alert the dwellers in time. Fire alarms help the residents to detect fire thus enabling them to evacuate the building before it burns. The building also has a hydrant, which is an essential component of the fire prevention system (IBC 164). The two stairs in the building are also essential especially during fire outbreaks. When there is fire on one side of the building, the occupants can use the stairs on the other side before the whole building catches fire. Standpipes also help in preventing fire since they are different in class. This is apparent in class one, which is applicable by the fire experts. The class two is a system that is subject to connection to supply water to a building for the residents to use it in the initial response to fire outbreak. Finally, class three supplies water that the occupants can use for domestic purpose. The water aids the fire departments when the building is on fire. To make the syst em effective, the occupants have to be informed about standpipes, so that they will know how to use them when the house is on fire (IBC 165). Hazards The type 3 building has openings on the walls and ceilings. This opening can make fire to spread faster into the hidden places in the building. There are also higher chances of the building collapsing during a fire out break. This is because the interior joints are made of wood. Since the joints support the heavy brick walls they can easily collapse when joints are dissipate to fire. Works cited CFBT-US LLC. Estimating required Fire flow: The National Fire Academy Formula. Web. IBS. Building Codes. 2006. Web.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Pre fire plan specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This report on Pre fire plan was written and submitted by user Maya D. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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