Monday, May 25, 2020

Lord Of The Flies, And A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings

Human nature, it is the characteristics that all of mankind portrays through its behavior. Thus,showing mankind’s true colors or in other words the truth about itself. In essence, the truth is that mankind is weak from birth on account of it having aspects such as curiosity and fear or aspects such as avarice and prejudice that comes with a lack of guidance when faced with an enigma.All of these aspects lead to one’s own corruption.All of these traits inherited from our ancestors lead mankind to commit transgressions.Human nature has been referred throughout texts such as the Bible which dates back to ancient times and even the origins of life. The origin of man’s nature starts there when it comes to the story of creation.Pieces of literature, such as â€Å"Lord of the Flies† by William Golding,â€Å"The Metamorphosis† by Franz Kafka, and â€Å" A very old Man with Enormous Wings: A Tale for Children† by Gabriel Marquez referenced the Bib le through allusion. An author implements allusion to reveal the truth about the sinful nature of man. William Golding’s the â€Å"Lord of the Flies† shows that on account of a lack of guidance, the potential to sin inherited from birth that tempts man can allow one to lose his or her innocence. Thus, leading to self corruption or as Golding likes to call it â€Å"mankind’s essential illness.† The novel is an allusion to story of creation and original sin in the bible. For instance, in the book of Genesis, the text states â€Å"... the intent of man’s heart is evilShow MoreRelatedMutability of identity in The Road and The Handmaids Tale2648 Words   |  11 Pagesas individual and enduring. Like The Road and The Handmaid’s Tale, the novel looks at society’s effect on identity and suggests that identity must be manipulated in some form in order for a society to be peaceful and effective. The Road and Lord of the Flies share similar representation of how we are controlled by our society. 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